A PyTorch implementation of Bayesian Flow Networks (Graves et al., 2023).
See my explanatory blog post here.
Install the package locally from source:
git clone https://github.com/MaximeRobeyns/bayesian_flow_networks
cd bayesian_flow_networks
pip install -e .
You can now import the library as torch_bfn
There are generally two considerations to get started:
Selecting a Network
We provide some networks to get started in the
module. These map tensors to outputs of the same shape and must additionally accept a time value. These networks also support classifier-free guidance. To use a new architecture, simply extend theBFNetwork
class and implement the abstract methods. -
Initialising a BFN
You can now initialise either a
depending on your problem.
See the example snippets below and the full files in the examples directory for more on using these classes. For a more conceptual description of the BFN framework, see my accompanying blog post
Both the infinite and discrete time loss functions are implemented.
Here is a minimal example for the 2D swiss roll dataset (see
for the full code). The following diagram shows
some model samples throughout training:
# Imports
import torch
from torch_bfn import ContinuousBFN, LinearNetwork
from torch_bfn.utils import EMA
# Setup a suitable network
net = LinearNetwork(dim=2, hidden_dims=[512, 512], sin_dim=16, time_dim=64)
# Setup the BFN
model = ContinuousBFN(dim=2, net=net)
# Setup training
opt = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
ema = EMA(0.9)
# Load data (see examples/swiss_roll_bfn)
train_loader = ...
# Train the model
for epoch in range(100):
for batch in train_loader:
X = batch[0].to(device, dtype)
# For continuous loss:
loss = model.loss(X, sigma_1=0.01).mean()
# For discrete-time loss:
# loss = model.discrete_loss(X, sigma_1=0.01, n=30).mean()
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1.0)
# Sample from the model
samples = model.sample(1000, sigma_1=0.01, n_timesteps=10)
Generating data conditioned on labels using classifier-free guidance is also implemented.
To use this, simply pass the conditioning information (either class labels, or a continuous vector) to the loss function during training:
# continuous-time version
loss = model.loss(X, y, sigma_1=0.01).mean()
# discrete-time version
loss = model.discrete_loss(X, y, sigma_1=0.01, n=30).mean()
With a training loop that looks very similar to the one above for the swiss
roll dataset (see examples/two_moons_classifier_free_guidance.py
for the full
code), we obtain the following samples throughout training (with the
conditioning class labels drawn uniformly at random).
The sample
method of the ContinuousBFN
class accepts a cond
which allows you to provide either class labels or continuous vectors, as well
as a cond_scale
and rescaled_phi
argument to influence how strong the
conditioning signal is. Note that we still have the n_samples
allowing us to draw multiple samples conditioned on the same input. If you omit
the cond
argument for a conditional model, unconditional samples will be
# Draw samples, shape [2, 1000, n_dims]
samples = model.sample(1000, cond=t.arange(2), cond_scale=1.7)
class_1_moon, class_2_moon = samples
For an example of training a UNet on MNIST with classifier-free guidance, see
Here is the main gist of what's going on:
# Get data loader (see examples/MNIST_continuous_bfn.py) for full code
train_loader = get_mnist()
# Create the UNet for MNIST
net = Unet(
dim_mults=[1, 2, 2],
# Create the BFN
model = ContinuousBFN(dim=(1, 28, 28), net=net)
# Setup training
ema = EMA(0.99)
opt = t.optim.AdamW(
model.parameters(), lr=1e-4, weight_decay=0.01, betas=(0.9, 0.98)
# Run training loop
for epoch in range(epochs):
for batch in train_loader:
X, y = batch
# Continuous-time loss
loss = model.loss(X, y, sigma_1=0.01).mean()
# Discrete-time loss
# loss = model.discrete_loss(*batch, sigma_1=0.01, n=30).mean()
t.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1.0)
# Draw some samples from the model
sample_classes = t.arange(10)
samples = model.sample(1, cond=sample_classes, cond_scale=7.)