It was realized by Mathis Maunick, Max Teiger and Clément Halbeher and supervised by Maggie Mhanna
The application has been designed to study data sets of train journeys, as well as airplane journeys.
1 - Show the aggregated values per year (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) of :
- The total number of trains that have been carried out
- The total number of delayed trains at departure
- The total number of delayed trains at arrival
- The average number of delayed trains at departure
- The average number of delayed trains at arrival
- The total average departure delay time of all trains
- The total average arrival delay time of all trains
- The average departure delay time of delayed trains
- The average arrival delay time of delayed trains
- The total number of cancelled trains
- The percentage (proportion) of cancelled trains
- The percentage (proportion) of delay causes
2 - Show the same aggregated values per departure station (Paris Est, LYON PART DIEU, ...)
1 - Show the available airports on a map.
- Try representing airport traffic on the map.
2 - Show the aggregated values per airline (United Air Lines, American Airlines...) of :
- The total number of flights
- The total number of delayed flights
- The average flight duration
- The average flight distance
- The total distance covered by all airline flights
- The average departure delay
- The average arrival delay
3 - Show the same aggregated values per departure airport (LAX, JFK...)
Pitch Presentation on RPubs
Shiny App Deployed: