- DotNetKoans/DotNetKoans - A set of Koans to teach the C# language on .NET Core.
- alexandersvafdal/Datathon_2024_Borgarlina -
- G0rocks/G0rocks -
- MaxAtoms/SmallWebExperiments - Some small and quick experiments using different web technologies
- MaxAtoms/NLTK-German-POS-Tagger - NLP course project investigating the accuracy of the NLTK averaged perceptron tagger on German corpora
- MaxAtoms/NLTK-German-POS-Tagger - NLP course project investigating the accuracy of the NLTK averaged perceptron tagger on German corpora
- MaxAtoms/T-705-ASDS - Lecture notes from Applied Statistics for Data Science @ Reykjavík University (Fall term 2024)
- MaxAtoms/SmallWebExperiments - Some small and quick experiments using different web technologies
- renv reproducibility issue
- Removes duplicate files in the current working directory when their hash matches exactly
- Trying out C# Caller Attributes
- NicholasRasi/MMM-OnlineImagesViewer - Magic Mirror Module for showing online images
- KristjanESPERANTO/MMM-Canteen - This is a module for MagicMirror² to display the menu of canteens from universities in Germany and Switzerland (based on openmensa.org API).
- KristjanESPERANTO/MMM-PublicTransportHafas - This is a module for MagicMirror² to display public transport departures.