- Hiring Work at Roam Clojure Engineer - Backend Role Take Home Project
- Given a map, or a datascript database at two points in time
- Generate a diff of the two structures
- Generate the minimal transaction which will bring A -> B, and vice versa.
- Bonus
- Given a set of User-Events which map to certain transactions - find the sequence of user events which brought A -> B, or which would bring B -> A
- Take a roam outline tree, and create a datascript DB with just the data contained within it - such as this one This item
- Publish your code and the demo on a roam graph using
and custom components- Roam allows you to write arbitrary CLJS code - and evaluate it in your graph - you can use this code - and the roam Alpha API to query your graph, and create mutations for it.
- Submit your answer as a roam-graph
- All code should be in the same Roam Graph as the working demo.
- {{roam/render: ((uP_2barEP)) ((cpgzSMTye))}}
(ns starting-point-for-custom-roam (:require [reagent.core :as r] [datascript.core :as d] [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]))
(defn x [{b :block-uid} x] [:div.bp3-card [:ul [:li (pr-str @(dr/pull '[:block/string {:block/children ...} :block/uid ] x))] [:li [:h3"Schema" ] (pr-str @(dr/q '[:find [?a ...] :where [_ ?a _]]))] [:li (pr-str (keys @(dr/pull '[*] [:block/uid b])))]]] )``` - This item - Has children - A - B - C - ## IF you want to also be considered for #UI Engineer - [ ] generate a UI for displaying the diff - [ ] create a simple component that will let you save the state of a block subtree at various points, and return to these states - by firing new transactions
- Import
- December 1st, 2020
- From: December 1st, 2020.json
- December 1st, 2020
- Have a meeting with John Smith about Roam Research on February 8th, 2021.
- Have a meeting with John Smith about Roam Research on February 8th, 2021.