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The Antivirus Check Service provides the ability to scan files with a locally installed clamav daemon. In addition, the service offers a URL scan using virustotal.


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Antivirus Check Service

The Antivirus Check Service provides the ability to scan files with a locally installed clamav daemon. In addition, the service offers a URL scan using virustotal. The Antivirus Check Service processes incoming scan requests and sends the scan result to a specified web hook.


Antivirus Check Service provides two interfaces.


The WebAPI is the most common interface to use Antivirus Check Service. All requests besides of the root resource / have to be authenticated using basic access authentication.

A GET request to https://<antivirus-check-service>/ gives a detailed usage api doc:

"scan file request": {
    "description": "Download file and scan against virus (using local clamd), report back to given webhook uri",
    "path": "/scan/file",
    "method": "POST",
    "params": {
        "download_uri": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Complete uri to the downloadable file"
        "callback_uri": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Complete uri to the callback uri"
"scan url request": {
    "description": "Scan Url (using virustotal), report back to given webhook Uri",
    "path": "/scan/url",
    "method": "POST",
    "params": {
        "url": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Url to scan using virustotal"
        "callback_uri": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Complete Uri to the callback uri"
"clamav daemon version": {
    "description": "Get clamav daemon version and last database update",
    "path": "/antivirus-version",
    "method": "GET"

To get the clamav daemon version and last database update, you can send a request to the WebAPI /antivirus-version. The response is similar to:

{"clamd-version": "0.99.2/24389/Tue", "clamd-database-version": "2018/03/13 - 08:12:22"}


The Antivirus Check Service provides an AMQP API, which is uses by the WebAPI as well. Authenticate and publish a message to the regarding queue using the routing_key:

  • url: amqp://<user>:<password>@<antivirus-check-service>/antivirus

scan file:

  • routing key: scan_file
  • message:
      "download_uri": "https://<uri-to-file>",
      "callback_uri": "https://<uri-to-report-endpoint>"

scan url:

  • routing key: scan_url
  • message:
      "url": "https://<url-to-be-scanned>",
      "callback_uri": "https://<uri-to-report-endpoint>"


The reports are PUT requests to the given webhook Uri. The payload differs reagrding the scan type.

scan file payload

{"virus_detected": "<true|false>", "virus_signature": "<null|signature name>"}

scan url payload

{"blacklisted": "<true|false>", "full_report": "<virustotal's full report>"}


If an error occures the Antivirus Check Service will try to send an error page (500) with the error message as json:

{"error": "<error message>"}


As prerequisite you have to have installed: git and make. In general, follow the instruction in the vagrant provision script.

To get the services running, you need access to rabbitmq-server and clamav-daemon.


  • Install rabbitmq-server or use an already installed rabbitmq-server

  • Create a vhost and a user with full permissions to the created vhost

  • or

  • Copy ./resources/rabbitmq-definitions.template.json to /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-definitions.json and Copy ./resources/rabbitmq.config to /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config. Adjust the amqp <user> and the <sha256-hash-of-users-password>. To get the <sha256-hash-of-users-password> you can follow the (missleading) documentation from rabbitmq: .

    Or you can use my tool. Change to ./resources and run python --password="<your-rabbit-password>" (only python2).


  • Install clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam clamav-unofficial-sigs or use an already installed instance.
  • To access the clamav-daemon via TCP socket append the config values to /etc/clamav/clamd.conf:
    TCPSocket 3310
  • BE PATIENT! At the first run, freshclam has to download all signatures, which can take a while and prevent clamav-daemon from working (don't forget to restart clamav-daemon).


An API-Key is needed to use virustotal. To get this, an account on virustotal has to be created. The API-Key can be found in the account's settings.


git clone this repository to a modern debian (currently stretch). Change to the new directory and run as root: make install. This will install all necessary packages.

  • Copy /resources/config.template.yml to /antivirus_service/config.yml and adjust the config file.
  • Add auth_keys to the webserver section, format: <username>:<password>
  • The python setup routine installs the packages locally (the clone path) and creates a link to /usr/local/bin/antivirus
  • The installation process installs Antivirus Check Service as three systemd services (for webserver, scan_file and scan_url).
  • Start the service with: systemctl start antivirus-<webserver|scanfile|scanurl>.service
  • Control the service with: systemctl status antivirus-<webserver|scanfile|scanurl>.service
  • The logs can be read with: journalctl -f -u antivirus-<webserver|scanfile|scanurl>.service

Verify installation

  • Change to the antivirus_check_service/tests and start the development webserver with: python3 The minimal webserver simulates the fileserver and listens for the webhook.
  • To initiate the scan request run: curl -v -d@scan_virus_file_payload.json -u <username>:<password> http://<antivirus-check-service>:8080/scan/file, whereby scan_virus_file_payload.json has the payload:
      "download_uri": "http://localhost:7000/scanfile?name=virus.txt",
      "callback_uri": "http://localhost:7000/report"
  • The develop webserver should output:
    ======== Running on ========
    (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    --- Scan Request Result ---
    {"virus_detected": true, "virus_signature": "Eicar-Test-Signature"}


Change to install directory and run make update

Development & Testing

This project can be developed and tested in a vagrant box. debian/stretch64 is used as predefined image. It is strongly recommended to use the vagrant-vbguest plugin: by vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest. (The virtualbox guest additions provides synchronizing the sources)

The vagrant command vagrant up starts a virtual machine and provision Antivirus Check Service within. At the end of the provision the Antivirus Check Service service will be started.


The Antivirus Check Service provides the ability to scan files with a locally installed clamav daemon. In addition, the service offers a URL scan using virustotal.







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