Easy to use Maze Generator in javascript/node that has zero dependencies
Generates maze using recusive backtracking(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backtracking) to ensure there is a single solution to the maze.
To use, simply require the file
mazeGenerator = require("maze-gen")
and then simply call it and it will return a generated maze
var maze = mazeGenerator(numOfRows, numOfCols);
where numOfRows and numOfCols are optional parameter that detail the number of rows and columns you want the maze to have.
The output will be a 2 dimensional array where each cell will be described by a json object with the format
top: true, // top wall is present
right: true, // right wall is present
bottom: true, // bottom wall is present
left: true, // left wall is present
Accessing a specific cell is by specifying row, then col.