EmpowerHer serves as a compelling landing page designed to effectively showcase our fitness program to potential customers. The primary goal is to captivate their interest, motivating them to either make a purchase or schedule a meeting with a dedicated fitness coach.
Front end with React.js No backend. No database.
The site is hosted in Netlify with automatic redeploy from GitHub.
- Introduction.jsx
- Call to action
- BigPicture.jsx
- Phases.jsx
- Table.jsx
- Warranty.jsx
- Benefits.jsx
- Testimonies.jsx
- Faq.jsx
- Call to Action
- Footer.jsx
- Signature.jsx
- react-bootstrap grid system, styling & components
- MaterialUi components
Clone the repository. Run "npm install". Run "npm run dev" on the IDE terminal. The app should automatically open in development mode. Otherwise, you can open the app manually by accessing the host [http://localhost:5173] in the browser.
The project was initialized with Vite.
Headers: Isabel Bold / Regular. Regular text: Quicksand Regular 400.