Telmi OS is an open source story teller and lite MP3 player for Miyoo Mini and Miyoo Mini Plus. Telmi OS is for children 3~4 years old and older.
The story teller is compatible with stories exported from STUdio.
If your SD card is larger than 32 GB, you need to use a third-party tool like Rufus:
- In Rufus, select the device that corresponds with the SD card you want to format
- Set Boot selection to
Non bootable
- Partition scheme should already be set to
- Set File system to
Large FAT32
- Cluster size at
32 kilobytes
should be fine (16 kilobytes
might extend the life of your SD card) - Click START to format the card, when it's done you can close the window
On Mac, you can format your SD card with the built-in Disk Utilities:
- Open Application › Utilities › Disk Utilities
- From the sidebar, select the USB drive that corresponds with the SD card you want to format (Choose to format the root element as on this picture)
- Choose Erase from the toolbar
- Set Format ›
- Set Scheme (if it exists) ›
Master Boot Record
- Click Erase and wait for the process to finish
There are lots of ways to format an SD card on Linux. 3 methods are presented in this blog post.
Make sure you choose: For use with all systems and devices (FAT)
Chrome already has a tool to format an SD card. Insert the card into your Chromebook, right-click it and click Format Device, make sure FAT32
is selected under Format and click or tap Erase & Format.
Put the content of
at the root of the SD card.
Insert the SD card in your Miyoo. Press the power button and the installation will run automatically.
Enjoy !!
Download the latest version of Telmi Sync and install it (Supported OS : Windows, MacOS, Linux). Drag and drop your stories exported from STUdio on Telmi Sync to import it. Do the same with audio files. Then plug SD card of Telmi OS on your computer, it will be reconized by TelmiSync. You can now transfer stories and music to Telmi OS.
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