Keimyung University - Mobile Game Development - 2020 Fall Semester
This project is a video game for PC. See the Game Design Document for more details.
This repository contains the source code of the game and his engine.
$> ./tools/ -- --help
ThePURGE 0.4.0
Usage: ./engine_main [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--version Print the version number and exit.
--config=data/config/app.ini Read an ini file
--fullscreen BOOLEAN=1 Launch the window in fullscreen mode.
--window-width UINT=1024 Width of the window.
--window-height UINT=768 Height of the window.
--replay-path TEXT Path of the events to replay.
--replay-data TEXT Json events to replay.
--data TEXT=data/ Path of the data folder.
--output-folder TEXT=../generated/ Path of the generated output.
See the trailer of the game on youtube !
See older version of the project.
All platforms
- python>=3.0
Unix systems
- g++>=10 || clang>=11
- cmake>=3.13
- Visual Studio 2019>=16.7 && Linux CMake extension (see the documentation)
You can use this command line.
# Shortcut command
$> sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Or
$> sh -c "$(wget -O-"
Or clone and inspect the install script.
# Cloning the repository
$> git clone
# Go in the project
$> cd game_project
# Installing the required environment (partial)
$> ./tools/ --no-clone
Unix systems
master (stable) |
develop (latest) |
The build require an internet connection (download of dependencies if missing).
Unix systems
# See the --help message # Generate the cmake project $> ./tools/ # Build the target $> ./tools/ # Run the executable $> ./tools/
Visual Studio
See the documentation for further details.
- Open the project folder with Visual Studio
- Project > Generate Cache for GameProject
- Build > Build All
- Select Startup Item > engine_main
Conan is used for this project, see the documentation
The dependencies used :
When implementing a new feature (or just by curiousity), you might want to see what is happening behind the scene. With a debug build you have access to extra information such as the hitbox, a console (with cheat codes), opengl rendering options ...
- Jason Turner's Weekly Game Project
- Mathieu LALA - github
- Benjamin PRAUD - github
- Yanis FOUREL - github
- Adil RAJABALY - github
- Pierre-Genest ESTRADE - github
This software is licensed under the ISC license see LICENSE for further details.