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Add basic documentation to most public cmdlets and types #134

Add basic documentation to most public cmdlets and types

Add basic documentation to most public cmdlets and types #134

Workflow file for this run

name: Build
branches: [ "main" ]
branches: [ "main" ]
# C:\ drive in gh action is much slower than D:\, move everything we can to D:\
# versions of dependencies needed for building and bootstrapping Pog
# these should be updated periodically with the following command:
# ```
# "VERSION_DOTNET: `"$(dotnet --version)`""
# "VERSION_PESTER: `"$((Find-Module Pester).Version)`""
# "VERSION_WIX_DARK: `"$((Find-Pog dark@ScoopInstaller).Version)`""
# Find-Pog ILRepack, UPX, 7zip | % {"VERSION_$($_.PackageName.ToUpperInvariant()): `"$($_.Version)`""}
# ```
VERSION_UPX: "4.2.3"
VERSION_7ZIP: "24.08"
runs-on: windows-latest
- name: Configure git to preserve line endings
run: git config --global core.autocrlf false
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# needed to build Pog.dll
- name: Setup .NET
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
dotnet-version: ${{env.VERSION_DOTNET}}
cache: true
cache-dependency-path: app/Pog/lib_compiled/*/packages.lock.json
# used for PowerShell unit tests
- name: Install Pester
working-directory: ..
shell: pwsh
run: |
# this is significantly faster than `Install-Module Pester -Force`
iwr "$($env:VERSION_PESTER)" -OutFile D:\pester.nupkg
$ModuleDir = "$(Split-Path $PROFILE)\Modules"
Expand-Archive D:\pester.nupkg "$ModuleDir\Pester"
# needed to unpack vcredist packages
- name: Install WiX dark.exe
shell: pwsh
run: |
iwr "$($env:VERSION_WIX_DARK).zip" -OutFile D:\
Expand-Archive D:\ D:\dark
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_PATH D:\dark
# needed to build Pog.dll
- name: Install ILRepack
shell: pwsh
run: |
iwr "${env:VERSION_ILREPACK}" -OutFile D:\ilrepack.nupkg
Expand-Archive D:\ilrepack.nupkg D:\ilrepack
# add to PATH for following steps
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_PATH D:\ilrepack\tools
# needed to build PogShimTemplate.exe
- name: Install UPX
shell: pwsh
run: |
iwr "${env:VERSION_UPX}/upx-${env:VERSION_UPX}" -OutFile D:\
Expand-Archive D:\ D:\upx_tmp
mv D:\upx_tmp\* D:\upx
rm D:\upx_tmp
# add to PATH for following steps
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_PATH D:\upx
# needed to install any Pog package (including an up-to-date 7zip)
- name: Install bootstrap 7zip
working-directory: ..
shell: pwsh
run: |
iwr "$($env:VERSION_7ZIP.Replace('.', ''))-x64.exe" -OutFile D:\7zip.exe
Start-Process -Wait D:\7zip.exe -ArgumentList /S, /D=$PWD\7zip\app
# just a stub manifest, will be replaced later
Set-Content $PWD\7zip\pog.psd1 '@{Private = $true; Enable = {Export-Command "7z" "./app/7z.exe" -VcRedist}}'
- name: Verify build dependencies
shell: pwsh
run: |
[pscustomobject]@{Name = "dotnet.exe"; Version = dotnet.exe --version; Source = (gcm dotnet.exe).Source}
gmo Pester -ListAvailable | select -First 1
gcm dark.exe
gcm ilrepack.exe
gcm upx.exe
gcm ..\7zip\app\7z.exe
- name: Build Pog.dll
working-directory: app/Pog/lib_compiled
run: |
dotnet sln remove RandomTests RandomBenchmarks
dotnet restore
dotnet publish --no-restore Pog
- name: Build Pog.Shim
working-directory: app/Pog/lib_compiled
run: |
cmake -B ./Pog.Shim/cmake-build-release -S ./Pog.Shim -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build ./Pog.Shim/cmake-build-release --config Release
gi ./PogShimTemplate.exe
- name: Download VC Redistributable
shell: pwsh
run: |
./app/Pog/_scripts/vcredist-download.ps1 -OutDir ./app/Pog/lib_compiled/vc_redist @(
# latest vcredist 140
# fixed vcredist 120
- name: Setup Pog
shell: pwsh
run: |
# add to PATH for following steps
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_PATH (Resolve-Path .\data\package_bin)
pog 7zip -Force
- name: Pog.Tests
working-directory: app/Pog/lib_compiled
run: dotnet test --no-restore Pog.Tests
- name: Pester tests (PowerShell Core)
working-directory: app/Pog
shell: pwsh
run: Invoke-Pester
- name: Pester tests (PowerShell 5)
working-directory: app/Pog
shell: powershell
run: Invoke-Pester
# install a few Pog packages to check that Pog works
- name: Test Pog packages (PowerShell Core)
shell: pwsh
run: |
Write-Host "PowerShell v$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
$InformationPreference = "Continue"
Import-Module ./app/Pog -Verbose
Write-Host "Available packages: $(@(Find-Pog -AllVersions).Count)"
pog fzf, zstd, Jujutsu
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "fzf: $(fzf --version)"
Write-Host "zstd: $(zstd --version)"
Write-Host "Jujutsu: $(jj --version)"
Write-Host ""
Uninstall-Pog fzf, zstd, Jujutsu
Clear-PogDownloadCache -Force
# the same test in PowerShell 5, to test compatibility
- name: Test Pog packages (PowerShell 5)
shell: powershell
run: |
Write-Host "PowerShell v$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
$InformationPreference = "Continue"
Import-Module ./app/Pog -Verbose
Write-Host "Available packages: $(@(Find-Pog -AllVersions).Count)"
pog fzf, zstd, Jujutsu
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "fzf: $(fzf --version)"
Write-Host "zstd: $(zstd --version)"
Write-Host "Jujutsu: $(jj --version)"
Write-Host ""
Uninstall-Pog fzf, zstd, Jujutsu
Clear-PogDownloadCache -Force
- name: Generate release archive
shell: pwsh
run: |
& ./app/Pog/_scripts/release/build-release.ps1 -ReleasePath D:/
# unpack so that the generated artifact (which is always zipped) is not a nested .zip
Expand-Archive D:\ D:\PogRelease
- name: Publish release archive as artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Pog
path: D:/PogRelease