Facet is a library to make writing Discord bots easier. Features include:
- Full coroutines support.
- A plugin system, with inspiration taken from Ktor to manage code organization.
- DSL syntax for commands, messages, and bot setup.
- Many useful extension functions for Discord4J objects.
View the KDocs
This documentation is a WIP
Add these to build.gradle.kts
repositories {
dependencies {
Creating a bot is easy:
fun main() {
val client = DiscordClient.builder("<bot token>")
// configure the DiscordClientBuilder here
// configure the Gateway here, for example
// This is the important part, and allows installing "plugins" into the gateway in a declarative syntax.
suspend fun GatewayDiscordClient.configure(scope: CoroutineScope) {
// simple custom feature that manages a database table with guildIds and their prefixes
install(scope, GuildStorage)
// this is a pre-written command dispatcher that can be found in the core module
install(scope, ChatCommands) {
useDefaultHelpCommand = true
commandPrefix { guildId: Snowflake? -> feature(GuildStorage).commandPrefixFor(guildId) }
// how many commands can be executing at once
commandConcurrency = 4
// this is a pre-written command dispatcher that can be found in the core module
install(scope, ApplicationCommands) {
// how many commands can be executing at once
commandConcurrency = 4
Starting a new event listener is easy, all you need is a CoroutineScope
and an instance of the gateway.
This launches a new coroutine that collects the events from the gateway using a Flow. Eventually this will use
context receivers once implemented into Kotlin.
// this: GatewayDiscordClient
// scope: CoroutineScope
listener<MessageCreateEvent>(scope) { event ->
If needed, an actor variant exists which contains a Channel
This uses the same ActorScope
that the kotlinx.coroutines library provides.
// this: GatewayDiscordClient
// scope: CoroutineScope
actorListener<MessageCreateEvent>(scope) {
for (event in channel)