• License • Issues • Project • Wikipedia •
> AllHackingTools: is a system designed to automate the download process and install various tools for penetration testing. --------------------- #### Hi, if you want to set up a termux quickly, here you are! More Hacking tools with one tool! > I am not responsible for your actions. By downloading software from this repository, you agree to the license. --------- ## Supported systems #### will download 5-20 minutes## Tool tested on:
#Upgrade all & full packages apt update apt upgrade #Add your termux permision termux-setup-storage #Install package git apt install git #clone this repository git clone https://github.com/mishakorzik/AllHackingTools #cd to directory allhackingtools cd AllHackingTools #Start script to install system bash Install.sh
if the error and the command does not work: cd AllHackingTools && bash fix.sh And when he writes a big rainbow button: Done, everything is ready! Wait until you can write to the terminal. bash #Free Ngrok authtokens: 26bDGGPyD3XWVtyzK3dfK401oIq_74Wi1m84A7rv9bP5YnihG 26bDzEjjfPls5kLHWGnG3K3voA7_69wkMBqUUExRHoA8v3gEL 26bESCvhbagWfGrHSv4NpTnSCpI_92oE8UFimPxU4nBNMK5T 26bEfSIlR1IcEEayMpRQlj0ttGw_3hrWetKnHZ4FMXc9hDt3Q 26p3rvZocfT7VzraejQNoCjPNN6_6UqEGG1izGcbE8ewtBchT 26p4VZpnXIjsiDq9YizXvkk6UAK_4ZyVi8D2Q63yWCap4LBbF 26p5O1vfFGLsdf9f8D3dzHAcmUv_454E7DaBz26mgs9yVkzQi 26t7bQBRJiFnK74z35eLcPYJPXI_2cyAyXVcEAnMTV9eAaYZw
bash #configure ngrok ngrok authtoken <↖️sеlеct free authtoken> #start ngrok ngrok http 80
#### Run command to start AllHackingTools: msdconsole ## AllHackingTool Menu: - Information Gathering - Exploitation Tools - Sniffing and Spoofing - Web Attack Tools - Cam Hacking Tools - Remote Trojan RAT - SQL Injection Tools - SocialMedia Bruteforce - SocialMedia Finder - DDOS Attack Tools - Phishing Attack Tools - Hash Cracking Tools - Worldlist Generator - XSS Attack Tools - Discord Leaks - Telegram Info - Web Crawling - Wireless attack Tools - Other Tools - Free Proxy - Mix Tools New Commands
##### AllHackingTools adds new commands for the terminal! All commands belowbash msdconsole : start AllHackingTools msdServer : Check AllHackingTools server msdc : start AllHackingTools Theme : Select Termux Theme Standart : Select default keys edit : Select nano keys Others commands: system : View My System sys : View My System Fonts Commands: figlet -f puffy AND toilet -f puffy figlet -f poison AND toilet -f poison figlet -f avatar AND toilet -f avatar figlet -f modular AND toilet -f modular figlet -f crazy AND toilet -f crazy figlet -f bloody AND toilet -f bloody figlet -f rusto AND toilet -f rusto figlet -f real AND toilet -f real figlet -f pagga AND toilet -f pagga figlet -f block AND toilet -f block
- [x] system desing - [x] Mix Tools - [x] technical support - [x] In a real break-in - [x] multi terminal - [x] terminal customization - [x] selection of editions - [x] multifunctional settings - [ ] fast download i system - [ ] Automatic qiq more commands
##### Now when you write the qiq command in the terminal. Many other teams will show you ##### The main commands should be written without a space, with a drawing, for example: qiq-install ##### When you write qiq-install, it will write to you Enter module name to install and write the name of the module you want to download, for example: git, python, wget>>> qiq-help :view more qiq info >>> qiq-update :update qiq >>> qiq-version :view qiq version >>> qiq-author :view qiq author >>> qiq-install :install packages >>> qiq-remove :remove packages >>> qiq-reinstall :reinstall packages ┐─┐┐ ┬┐─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┌┌┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐ └─┐└┌┘└─┐ │ ├─ │││ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐ ──┘ ┆ ──┘ ┆ ┴─┘┘ ┆ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘ >>> qiq-proces :view system process >>> qiq-smalltext :create small logo >>> qiq-bigtext :create big logo >>> qiq-rgb :create medium colored logo >>> qiq-rcolor :create medium rainbow logo >>> qiq-mysystem :view my system >>> qiq-home :cd to derictory >>> qiq-usr :cd to derictory >>> qiq-bin :cd to derictory ┬─┐o┌─┐┬ ┬─┐┌┐┐ ┌┐┐┬─┐┐ ┬ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐ ├─ ││ ┬│ ├─ │ │││├─ │││ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐ ┆ ┆┆─┘┆─┘┴─┘ ┆ ┆└┘┴─┘└┴┆ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘ >>> figlet -f Puffy :no description >>> figlet -f Bloody :no description >>> figlet -f Poison :no description >>> figlet -f Block :no description >>> figlet -f Avatar :no description >>> figlet -f Crazy :no description >>> figlet -f Modular :no description >>> figlet -f Basic :no description >>> figlet -f Rusto :no description >>> figlet -f Pagga :no description ┌─┐┌┐┐┬ ┬┬─┐┬─┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐ │ │ │ │─┤├─ │┬┘ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐ ┘─┘ ┆ ┆ ┴┴─┘┆└┘ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘ >>> qiq-AllHackingTools :Install AllHackingTools >>> qiq-FreeProxy :Install Free-Proxy >>> qiq-AdminHack :Install AdminHack
Need Help
#### Do you need help? Write me on: [email protected]bash Emails: [email protected] Developers: mishakorzhik
## Bug? If the tool fails, follow these steps: 1. Take a screenshot and see the error in detail 2. Contact me through the following email: [email protected] Versions
### Version 2.6.3 ##### below is a list added in version 2.6Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Tools: Added new tools! #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.5.1 ##### below is a list added in version 2.5 Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Added New Castomization New Loading animation Added checking for ping Build: Added new optimization Added stabilization Added new programming code PHP #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.4 ##### below is a list added in version 2.4 Tools: Many new utilities have been added Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Added New Castomization Added Castomization for loading #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.3 ##### below is a list added in version 2.3 Tools: Many new utilities have been added Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Added New Commands Added New Castomization #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.2 ##### below is a list added in version 2.2 bash Tools: Many new utilities have been added Desing: Many bugs have been fixed New logo designs were added New Menu desings were added New AllHackingTools download design #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.1 ##### below is a list added in version 2.1 bash Tools: Two new menu options have been added Many new utilities have been added Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Two new logo designs were added #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
Storage : 2200 MB
Internet : must be
#### Okay let's go installing! If it shows Are you rooted? Then ignore it! --------- ## What does it download? *
* wget
* openssh
* toilet
* jq
* ruby
* w3m
* zip
* pv
* zsh
#### And more packages! ------ ## Donate If you want to donate, click on the button ----- ## Download more utility for hacking! #### uninstall AllHackingTools *
bash Uninstall/Uninstall.sh
------ #### It downloads packages and utilities and configures the utilities. • Dependencies • Installing • Options ## Translate 2.Gmail-Hack - Easy email hacking
3.AdminHack - Hacking bad sites
4.Infect - Easy virus creation
5.Free-Proxy - Lots of free proxy servers
6.IpHack - Easy Tracking smartphones
7.UserFinder - Find users in social
8.Ultra-DDos - Hing ddos bad sites
#### Here are the repositories that I recommend you look at. below are people who liked and forked the repository ------------- Repository Views --------------------------- ###### Статья носит исследовательский характер. Она адресована специалистам по безопасности и тем, кто собирается ими стать. При ее написании использовались общедоступные базы данных. Ни редакция, ни автор не несут ответственности за неэтичное использование любых упомянутых здесь сведений. Team: He1Zen ## Supporters [](https://github.com/mishakorzik/AllHackingTools/starg
• License • Issues • Project • Wikipedia •
> AllHackingTools: is a system designed to automate the download process and install various tools for penetration testing. --------------------- #### Hi, if you want to set up a termux quickly, here you are! More Hacking tools with one tool! > I am not responsible for your actions. By downloading software from this repository, you agree to the license. --------- ## Supported systems #### will download 5-20 minutes## Tool tested on:
#Upgrade all & full packages apt update apt upgrade #Add your termux permision termux-setup-storage #Install package git apt install git #clone this repository git clone https://github.com/mishakorzik/AllHackingTools #cd to directory allhackingtools cd AllHackingTools #Start script to install system bash Install.sh
if the error and the command does not work: cd AllHackingTools && bash fix.sh And when he writes a big rainbow button: Done, everything is ready! Wait until you can write to the terminal. bash #Free Ngrok authtokens: 26bDGGPyD3XWVtyzK3dfK401oIq_74Wi1m84A7rv9bP5YnihG 26bDzEjjfPls5kLHWGnG3K3voA7_69wkMBqUUExRHoA8v3gEL 26bESCvhbagWfGrHSv4NpTnSCpI_92oE8UFimPxU4nBNMK5T 26bEfSIlR1IcEEayMpRQlj0ttGw_3hrWetKnHZ4FMXc9hDt3Q 26p3rvZocfT7VzraejQNoCjPNN6_6UqEGG1izGcbE8ewtBchT 26p4VZpnXIjsiDq9YizXvkk6UAK_4ZyVi8D2Q63yWCap4LBbF 26p5O1vfFGLsdf9f8D3dzHAcmUv_454E7DaBz26mgs9yVkzQi 26t7bQBRJiFnK74z35eLcPYJPXI_2cyAyXVcEAnMTV9eAaYZw
bash #configure ngrok ngrok authtoken <↖️sеlеct free authtoken> #start ngrok ngrok http 80
#### Run command to start AllHackingTools: msdconsole ## AllHackingTool Menu: - Information Gathering - Exploitation Tools - Sniffing and Spoofing - Web Attack Tools - Cam Hacking Tools - Remote Trojan RAT - SQL Injection Tools - SocialMedia Bruteforce - SocialMedia Finder - DDOS Attack Tools - Phishing Attack Tools - Hash Cracking Tools - Worldlist Generator - XSS Attack Tools - Discord Leaks - Telegram Info - Web Crawling - Wireless attack Tools - Other Tools - Free Proxy - Mix Tools New Commands
##### AllHackingTools adds new commands for the terminal! All commands belowbash msdconsole : start AllHackingTools msdServer : Check AllHackingTools server msdc : start AllHackingTools Theme : Select Termux Theme Standart : Select default keys edit : Select nano keys Others commands: system : View My System sys : View My System Fonts Commands: figlet -f puffy AND toilet -f puffy figlet -f poison AND toilet -f poison figlet -f avatar AND toilet -f avatar figlet -f modular AND toilet -f modular figlet -f crazy AND toilet -f crazy figlet -f bloody AND toilet -f bloody figlet -f rusto AND toilet -f rusto figlet -f real AND toilet -f real figlet -f pagga AND toilet -f pagga figlet -f block AND toilet -f block
- [x] system desing - [x] Mix Tools - [x] technical support - [x] In a real break-in - [x] multi terminal - [x] terminal customization - [x] selection of editions - [x] multifunctional settings - [ ] fast download i system - [ ] Automatic qiq more commands
##### Now when you write the qiq command in the terminal. Many other teams will show you ##### The main commands should be written without a space, with a drawing, for example: qiq-install ##### When you write qiq-install, it will write to you Enter module name to install and write the name of the module you want to download, for example: git, python, wget>>> qiq-help :view more qiq info >>> qiq-update :update qiq >>> qiq-version :view qiq version >>> qiq-author :view qiq author >>> qiq-install :install packages >>> qiq-remove :remove packages >>> qiq-reinstall :reinstall packages ┐─┐┐ ┬┐─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┌┌┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐ └─┐└┌┘└─┐ │ ├─ │││ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐ ──┘ ┆ ──┘ ┆ ┴─┘┘ ┆ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘ >>> qiq-proces :view system process >>> qiq-smalltext :create small logo >>> qiq-bigtext :create big logo >>> qiq-rgb :create medium colored logo >>> qiq-rcolor :create medium rainbow logo >>> qiq-mysystem :view my system >>> qiq-home :cd to derictory >>> qiq-usr :cd to derictory >>> qiq-bin :cd to derictory ┬─┐o┌─┐┬ ┬─┐┌┐┐ ┌┐┐┬─┐┐ ┬ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐ ├─ ││ ┬│ ├─ │ │││├─ │││ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐ ┆ ┆┆─┘┆─┘┴─┘ ┆ ┆└┘┴─┘└┴┆ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘ >>> figlet -f Puffy :no description >>> figlet -f Bloody :no description >>> figlet -f Poison :no description >>> figlet -f Block :no description >>> figlet -f Avatar :no description >>> figlet -f Crazy :no description >>> figlet -f Modular :no description >>> figlet -f Basic :no description >>> figlet -f Rusto :no description >>> figlet -f Pagga :no description ┌─┐┌┐┐┬ ┬┬─┐┬─┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐ │ │ │ │─┤├─ │┬┘ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐ ┘─┘ ┆ ┆ ┴┴─┘┆└┘ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘ >>> qiq-AllHackingTools :Install AllHackingTools >>> qiq-FreeProxy :Install Free-Proxy >>> qiq-AdminHack :Install AdminHack
Need Help
#### Do you need help? Write me on: [email protected]bash Emails: [email protected] Developers: mishakorzhik
## Bug? If the tool fails, follow these steps: 1. Take a screenshot and see the error in detail 2. Contact me through the following email: [email protected] Versions
### Version 2.6.3 ##### below is a list added in version 2.6Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Tools: Added new tools! #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.5.1 ##### below is a list added in version 2.5 Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Added New Castomization New Loading animation Added checking for ping Build: Added new optimization Added stabilization Added new programming code PHP #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.4 ##### below is a list added in version 2.4 Tools: Many new utilities have been added Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Added New Castomization Added Castomization for loading #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.3 ##### below is a list added in version 2.3 Tools: Many new utilities have been added Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Added New Commands Added New Castomization #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.2 ##### below is a list added in version 2.2 bash Tools: Many new utilities have been added Desing: Many bugs have been fixed New logo designs were added New Menu desings were added New AllHackingTools download design #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.1 ##### below is a list added in version 2.1 bash Tools: Two new menu options have been added Many new utilities have been added Desing: Many bugs have been fixed Two new logo designs were added #Thanks for reviewing the update list. #Bye bye Have a nice day!
Storage : 2200 MB
Internet : must be
#### Okay let's go installing! If it shows Are you rooted? Then ignore it! --------- ## What does it download? *
* wget
* openssh
* toilet
* jq
* ruby
* w3m
* zip
* pv
* zsh
#### And more packages! ------ ## Donate If you want to donate, click on the button ----- ## Download more utility for hacking! #### uninstall AllHackingTools *
bash Uninstall/Uninstall.sh
------ #### It downloads packages and utilities and configures the utilities. • Dependencies • Installing • Options ## Translate 2.Gmail-Hack - Easy email hacking
3.AdminHack - Hacking bad sites
4.Infect - Easy virus creation
5.Free-Proxy - Lots of free proxy servers
6.IpHack - Easy Tracking smartphones
7.UserFinder - Find users in social
8.Ultra-DDos - Hing ddos bad sites
#### Here are the repositories that I recommend you look at. below are people who liked and forked the repository ------------- Repository Views --------------------------- ###### Статья носит исследовательский характер. Она адресована специалистам по безопасности и тем, кто собирается ими стать. При ее написании использовались общедоступные базы данных. Ни редакция, ни автор не несут ответственности за неэтичное использование любых упомянутых здесь сведений. Team: He1Zen ## Supporters