A rework based on authentication related changes
Labels the issue with which beta version this issue applies to
Labels the issue with which beta version this issue applies to
Labels the issue with which beta version this issue applies to
Needs some attention before this issue can be started
This can merge when any maintainer is available
This can be reopened when any maintainer is available
requires changes to a craft command
This issue or pull request already exists
easy issue and can be completed even by those who have not contributed much or ever
This issue needs feedback and is just a thought, not a proposal
Should only be completed by people who have not contributed yet to Masonite
Used only to label issues during hacktoberfest
Pretty difficult issue and should only be tackled by maintainers
Extra attention is needed
This is a hot fix for a released version
Contains a checklist that still needs to be completed
Not too difficult but may be harder for newer collaborators
Requires documentation to be merged
Issue scheduled for the next major release
Issue scheduled for the next minor release
If this issue is required to be completed for the next major release or can be done in minor release
Open but will not currently be worked on