MoneroChad is a Discord bot that provides Monero and cryptocurrency related commands.
It used to be written in Java and JDA, but has been rewritten to Python and
for performance (memory consumption) reasons. The old java code sits on the old-java
of this repository. MoneroChad has been running on one of the Monero-focused Discord servers
since April 2022.
Copyright (C) by Łukasz Drukała
MoneroChad and all the code in this repository is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
(not "3 or later"). A copy of the license is provided with the source code in the file named LICENSE
===== Monero =====
/xmr price
|| Get current Monero price.
/xmr chart <vs> <timeframe>
|| Get the last 30 candles of Monero's price chart.
/xmr links (Not implemented yet)
|| Browse links to Monero-related sites and resources.
/xmr tx <tx-hash>
|| Get info about the given Monero transaction.
/xmr network
|| Get info about the Monero network.
/xmr block <block-height|block-hash>
|| Get info about the given Monero block.
===== Cryptocurrency =====
/price <coingecko-id>
|| Get the price of the given crypto.
===== Miscellaneous =====
|| Bot info and credits.
docker build -t monerochad:0.2.3 -f docker/Dockerfile .
You copy and modify the one at docker/template.env
All the settings you can configure through .env
are in
docker run --env-file path/to/your/.env monerochad:0.2.3
It doesn't need any volumes or ports exposed.
These instructions are meant for deployment on Linux. You need Python 3.10 or higher.
# Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
# Activate virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
You copy and modify the one at docker/template.env
All the settings you can configure through .env
are in
# Activate virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# Run the bot
python3 -m monerochad.main