A research scientist with a background in software engineering. Here is a peek into what I do.
- ColorDetect Image and color detection and recognition algorithms
- TambuaShamba A geospatial informatics solution to monitor soil organic carbon in Kenya.
- Masomo An e-learning platform that helps instructors organize course content and modules in a classroom setting
- The AssessMe Project Online course assessment to support Masomo.
- Moneyup A local-first cross-platform invoice management system.
- SocialFeed A social image-bookmarking and sharing application
- Marastore The e-commerce store for backpackers.
Feel free to explore, fork, and contribute! 🚀 There’s always something new in the works.
Conversation on scalability, architecture, technopreneurs and health of the developer at heart TheGreenCodes
A guide to statistical computing and the math used in data science.
You can get me on the following platforms:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/marvinus_j
- Personal Site: https://marvinkweyu.net
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/marvinkweyu