For a more visual overview, watch the project in action on the Video Demonstration
This FullStack application integrates Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, and React to provide users with a dynamic and secure social experience. Leveraging technologies such as JSON Web Token for authentication, bcryptjs for password encryption, and TanStack (React Query) for efficient data fetching.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- JSON Web Token
- bcryptjs
- React
- React Router
- TanStack (React Query)
- React Hook Form
- Axios
- CSS Modules
The primary objective of this project is to put the acquired knowledge into practice in React, Node.js, Express.js, and relational databases within a FullStack application.
- User Registration: Register users with a registration form that incorporates comprehensive validation checks.
- User Authentication: Enable users to log in securely using their credentials.
- Post Sharing: Sharing of posts within the platform.
- Post Deletion: Allow users to delete their own posts.
- User Following: Implement a feature to follow other users, showcasing their posts on the user's "Home" feed.
- Like Posts: Allows users to "Like" other users' posts.
- Comments: Allow users to comment on other users' posts.
- Comment Deletion: Provide the capability to delete user comments.
- Profile Page: Display user data and their respective posts on the profile page.
- Profile Update: Allow users to update their profile information, such as name, city, and contact email.
- Logout: Provide a secure logout option.