To activate the extension you should include the following block in your config.rb file:
All the fields are required:
activate :email do |email|
email.user = "<smtp username>"
email.password = "<smtp password>"
email.emails_path= "<Folder where your emails are placed in your build directory, for example: emails. This path will be the base path after your build directory.>"
email.to_email = "<email address where emails will be sent>"
email.from_email = "<from address that will appear in all sent emails>"
email.port = "<Smtp port>, default: 25"
email.domain = "<Smtp domain>"
email.address = "<Smtp address>"
Another properties that you can specify in the block are:
authentication = default: :plain
After this you can send ALL the email in your emails folder using the command:
bundle exec middleman email
There are three options available:
-b (build_before) true/false | Default: true | If a false flag is indicated the build task will not be executed before premailer. Example:
bundle exec middleman email -b false
-s (subfolder) We can pass a subfolder to the command and all the emails inside this subfolder (inside the emails_path directory) will be sent.
bundle exec middleman email -s common_emails
If for example, emails_path is 'emails', all html files inside build_dir/emails/common_emails will be sent.
-f (file) File to be sent in the email. The value must be the path of the file.
bundle exec middleman email -s common_emails/my_email.html
-l (local_only) Does not send the resulting compiled template. It saves it into compiled_email folder
bundle exec middleman email -l