Portfolio - https://margaretcezar.com/
Hello world,
→ I’m Margaret Cezar, an experienced tech founder and developer with a passion for building innovative digital products. Currently gaining expertise in web development, data science, and machine learning. I specialize in creating clean, modern, sophisticated, user-friendly interfaces and efficient back-end systems. As an experienced founder of multiple tech startups, I've led brilliant volunteer dev team to deliver impactful, pixel-perfect solutions for my startup projects.
→ I am a multi-passionate and multi-skilled generalist with a wide range of experience in Marketing, Product & Engineering, Accounting, and Legal domains.
→ Driven by curiosity and a commitment to lifelong learning, I am always exploring new ideas and business opportunities. My superpower is understanding people, which helps me foster strong collaborations and achieve great results.
→ Let's connect! You can explore my projects on GitHub or visit my portfolio here.
- HTML5, CSS3, JS (Trifecta)
- ReactJS, Python, OpenAI, Midjourney
- Github, NodeJS, Terminal, Bootstrap, Bootstrap, Flowise, Render
- MS Azure, API, Notion, Canva, MS Office 365
- Shecodes Coding Bootcamp (React): https://www.shecodes.io/
- Udemy (Web Development): https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-development-bootcamp/
- Udemy (Python) : https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/learn/
- Deeplearning.ai
- Microsoft Learn : Microsoft Azure
- Youtube : Microcourses
- Cybersecurity: TryHackMe
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - https://www.shecodes.io/certificates/bf181fcd06467f54502d4fddc67b5247
- Advanced React Development - https://www.shecodes.io/certificates/559f3261206be0744b2298bfd6037a9e
- Responsive Web Development - https://www.shecodes.io/certificates/b19f4ddf59e041ea3a2c4a747c448d18
- Web Development : https://www.shecodes.io/certificates/02075c67d3384846e0d8825a370e36e3
- Intro to coding : https://www.shecodes.io/certificates/46d4bf0bc048dd544a448983e6bc7a84
- Business Process Automation: https://trsmcredentials.torontomu.ca/d71ad2bc-6ea0-4081-9dfa-adcea022713c
- My personal website https://margaretcezar.com/ (v2.0.0) , currently working on v3
- Ai-powered smart inhaler device that tracks respiratory meds adherence https://breathsyncai.com/
- Caregiver Meetup webapp, BreathsyncAI
- AngelSafe, Angelchest, FIlipinoPo, BusinessGrowthAide, *GeeksMakeover
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/margaretcezar/
Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/lofelle
Link to my Software Engr portfolio: 2025
Link to my Developer portfolio: https://github.com/Margaret6556/margaretcezardev