The FSDA MATLAB Toolbox provides statisticians, engineers, scientists, researchers, and financial analysts with a comprehensive set of tools to assess and understand their data. FSDA Toolbox software includes functions and interactive tools for analyzing and modeling data, learning and teaching statistics. You can grasp the main features from the short video More details about the latest release can be found at
You can start to familiarize with the FSDA toolbox in one of the following ways.
A. Run the examples contained in files examples_regression.m or examples_multivariate.m or examples_categorical.m Notice that all examples are organized in cells;
B. Run the tutorials in the FSDA Matlab help pages;
C. Watch the videos in the Examples section of the FSDA Matlab help pages
D. Read section "Introduction to robust statistics" or "Technical introduction to Robust Statistics" in the FSDA Matlab help pages
E. Read "Function reference page" in the FSDA Matlab help pages
FSDA toolbox needs MATLAB at least release R2012a
To install FSDA it is necessary to run the file installFSDA.m This file will:
- copy all the HTML FSDA documentation file inside in the path (MATLAB docroot)/FSDA
- Add a set folders to your MATLAB path (this can be done at any moment by running file addFSDA2path.m)
- Launch buildocsearchdb in subfolder (FSDA root)/helpfiles/pointersHTML
- Install the apps
A list of files containing a series of examples associated to regression, multivariate analysis, clustering and the analysis of categorical data can be found at:
examples_regression.m (examples_regression.mlx) examples_multivariate.m (examples_multivariate.mlx) examples Explain how to run the automated tests for this system
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
- MATLAB - The web framework used??????
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Marco Riani - Initial work - MarcoRianiUNIPR
- Domenico Perrotta - Initial work - DomenicoPerrottaJRC
- Francesca Torti - Initial work - FrancescaTortiJRC
- Aldo Corbellini - AldoCorbelliniUNIPR
- Gianluca Morelli - GianlucaMorelliUNIPR
- Silvia Salini - SilviaSaliniUNIMI
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
The FSDA toolbox is beeing protected by a European Union Public Licence (EUPL) - see the file for details
We would like to thank the following people for contributions given to the software implementation, development and testing or with suggestions, help and support to the FSDA project:
Al Khudhairy Delilah (EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy) Arsenis Spyros (EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy) Atkinson Anthony C. (LSE, UK) Azzini Ivano (Brilema, Milan, Italy) Bini Matilde (Università Europea di Roma, Italy) Grossi Luigi (University of Verona, Italy) Gusmini Massimiliano (cfp bauer, Milan, Italy) Laurini Fabrizio (University of Parma, Italy) Insolia Luca (University of Pisa, Italy) Solaro Nadia (University of Milan, Italy) Zani Sergio (University of Parma, Italy)
The FSDA toolbox for MATLAB includes software developed by the following third parties:
selectdata: routine written by John D'errico that can be found in the Mathworks' page
clickableLegend: function written by Ameya Deoras downloadable from
cascade: routine written by Isaac Noh downloadable from
progressBar: routine written by Stefan Doerr, based on: parfor_progress written by Jeremy Scheff downloadable from
suplabel: routine written by Ben Barrowes downloadable from