To run the framework several python modules are required, the easiest way to do it is with the anaconda/miniconda software.
Install Anaconda or Miniconda from:
Create and activate a new environment:
conda create -n mimo_sim python=3.9 conda activate mimo_sim
Add conda-forge channels:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
Install packages:
conda env update --file requirements.yml
Install VS Code or any other development framework and select created environment
as the interpreter.
- To build the documentation go to the docs directory:
cd .\docs\
- Build the docs:
.\make.bat html make
Once built, the documentation can be viewed by opening the \docs\build\html\index.html
with any web browser.
Select and run one of the main_...
scripts or create a custom one from the building blocks and functions in the
parent directory.