You're creating an app using
, or maybe even Colors.teal
There are so many more inspiring colors you're missing out on!
Join the fun and say hello to Colorz.tardis
, Colorz.trumpsLitteralColor
and Colorz.highlighterGreenBanana
Make use of Colorz.cookieMonster
, Colorz.unoReverseCardYellow
and Colorz.ravenclawBlue
Meet Colorz.arabicaMint
, Colorz.cactusGreen
and Colorz.vampireDeath
🎨 On, people from all over the world come together to name colors. This package makes the 9.000 most upvoted colors available in your Flutter app! That's the best 0.0536 % of all 16.7 million RGB colors!
❤️ Want to contribute? Visit and provide some names or vote for colors to improve this package! If you find any issues or have ideas for improvements to this package, don't hesitate to create an issue in the GitHub repository.
📦 Updates of this package:
From time to time, I'll re-generate the Colorz
and upload a major version upgrade to (because there may be incompatibilities with previous versions).
If you want to generate the Colorz
yourself, go into the root directory of the colorz package and run dart generator/generator.dart
🤔 Why only use the top 9.000 colors and not something round, like the top 10.000? runs dartdoc with limited space: