Aino is a blocks-first free WordPress theme for everyone who wants to build websites with creative, individual page layouts.
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Author: elmastudio
Tags: blog, grid-layout, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, featured-images, full-width-template, theme-options, custom-colors, custom-menu, editor-style, sticky-post, translation-ready, threaded-comments, footer-widgets, block-styles, wide-blocks
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: WordPress 5.7.1
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:
Enhance: Add support for local fonts.
Enhance: German translation.
Enhance: Theme screenshot.
Enhance: Header search form.
Enhance: Border radius for Featured images.
Enhance: Default paragraph and list styles.
Enhance: Max Featured image size.
Bugfix: Wide aligned blocks responsiveness.
Bugfix: Dark mode in editor view.
Bugfix: Styles for posts without featured image.
Bugfix: 'Hero' page template for pages using the Aino Hero block.
New: Dark mode option (see Customizer/Colors).
Enhance: Convert SASS color variables to CSS variables.
Enhance: Convert Featured image aspect ratio from 3:2 to 16:9.
Enhance: German translation.
Bugfix: Load more button.
Bugfix: Full width blocks on single post.
Enhance: Change CSS class no-margins to nogap.
New: TikTok social icon.
Enhance: Update required PHP version.
Bugfix: Limited custom logo height in tablet view.
Bugfix: Outer margins for Fullscreen page template.
Bugfix: Gutter of Image block inside Aino Grid Item block.
Enhance: Single post styles.
Enhance: New justify CSS class to justify align paragraphs.
Enhance: Main menu CTA button.
New: Hide author on single posts.
Enhance: Single post styles.
Enhance: 404 page styles.
Enhance: Mailchimp form styling.
Enhance: Custom logo support.
Bugfix: Default page responsive margins.
Bugfix: Admin bar top spacing.
New: MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress plugin support.
Enhance: Screenshot image.
Enhance: Mobile menu.
Enhance: Footer site info.
Enhance: Grid styles.
Enhance: Footer widgets.
Enhance: Search result pages.
Enhance: Editor font styles.
Bugfix: Cover block responsiveness.
Bugfix: Responsive spacing.
Bugfix: Multiple alignfull blocks scrollbar issue. Fixes #131
New: Aino Blocks plugin recommendation notice.
Enhance: Single post, blog and archive page styles.
Enhance: Translations.
Update: Default font from Roboto to IBM Plex Sans.
Update: Font sizes.
Update: Remove border colour in Editor colour palette.
New: Footer borders.
New: Display or hide Footer borders.
New: Footer borders colour.
New: 'Back to top' button.
New: Blog 'Load More' button replacing standard pagination.
New: Sticky badge design and Customizer option (see Theme/Blog).
New: No spacing option for Blog Cards (see Theme/Blog Cards).
New: Sticky post badge design and light colour option.
Enhance: CSS styling for Aino blocks.
Bugfix: Douple text domain issue in searchform.php.
Enhance: Translations updated.
Enhance: Deleted unneeded files js/svgxuse.js and js/svgxuse.min.js.
Bugfix: Default page comments width too wide.
Enhance: Update from GPLv2 to GPLv3.
Enhance: Added original file for js/svgxuse.js.
Bugfix: template-tags.php incorrect use of attribute.
Bugfix: Deleted removal of header section in customizer.php.
Bugfix: Deleted map files.
Bugfix: searchform.php incorrect use of attribute.
Bugfix: header.php incorrect use of attribute.
Bugfix: modal-menu.php incorrect use of attribute.
Bugfix: Button block outline.
Bugfix: Button block right and left alignment on frontend.
Bugfix: All core block right and left alignments.
Bugfix: Columns block spacing.
Bugfix: Styling of block widgets.
Bugfix: Styling of code, preformatted and verse block.
Bugfix: Bugfix: Fixing custom post type margins. #96
Bugfix: Bugfix: A11y fixes.
Bugfix: Block columns styling optimized.
New: Heading block font size platte support. Gutenberg plugin 7.9 required.
Enhance: SASS folder structure optimised.
Enhance: Grid layout optimised.
Enhance: px unit converted to rem.
Enhance: A number of CSS classes renamed.
Bugfix: Sticky post update.
Bugfix: Separator block styling.
Bugfix: Category styling on blog
Bugfix: Missing default excerpt text on first theme activation
New: Include minified style.min.css
New: Disable Google fonts loading option in Customize/Theme/Typography
New: Customizable default text colors in Customize/Colors
New: Disable custom font in editor font sizes
Enhance: screenshot.png
Enhance: Grid column CSS
Enhance: Update heading and paragraph font sizes
Enhance: Backward compatibility for wp_body_open hook, Fixes #65
New: Bold and uppercase primary menu font option in Customize/Theme/Header
New: Bold and uppercase button font option in Customize/Theme/Styles
New: Custom Footer Copyright text option in Customize/Theme/Footer, Fixes #70
New: Sticky Header Call to action button option
New: Default button text color in Customize/Colors
Enhance: Button and form styles
Enhance: Jetpack sharing button styles
Enhance: CSS grid styles
Bugfix: 404 page
Enhance: Simplified color options
Enhance: Simplified Blog & post styling updates
Enhance: Header light optimized
Enhance: Simplified SASS variables
Enhance: Border radius styles
Enhance: Header search form
New: Hero page template.
New: Header light option simplified by adding new Light page templates.
Enhance: Link colors simplified.
Enhance: Primary menu and mobile menu.
Enhance: Header search form.
Enhance: Primary menu.
Enhance: Default block styles.
Enhance: Add new font sizes for blocks.
Fix: Border-radius on post images on blog and archive pages.
Fix: Double publish date.
Fix: Display of header buttons on mobile.
Fix: Single Post pagination.
Fix: Mail svg social icon.
Fix: Allow not using a primary menu.
Enhance: Buttons styles.
Enhance: Sticky post badge style.
Enhance: Featured image hovers.
New: Create Aino blocks scss file.
Enhance: Block styling.
Enhance: Customizer setting descriptions.
Enhance: Hide header search form by default (Activate via the Customizer.)
Enhance: Readme information.
Enhance: Page and post title hyphenation.
Enhance: Updated license information.
Enhance: General styling.
Enhance: Default WordPress block styling. Fixes #27
Enhance: Optimise Page Templates. Fixes #26
New: Theme description.
Fix: Add missing theme domain to functions.
Fix: Main background color Customizer setting. Fixes #13
Enhance: General styling. Fixes #19
Enhance: Gutenberg button block styling.
Enhance: Custom theme block colors.
Fix: Blog styling.
Enhance: Update gitignore.
Fix: Mobile Menu hamburger button and dropdown menus.
Enhance: Post edit button styling.
Fix: theme installation error.
Initial release