Consume a web service that has been created here. The API contains a number of cars, their colours and their owners.
Please create an application that does the following:
- Produces a list of the owners' names, grouped by their car's brand alphabetically, and sorted by their car's colour alphabetically.
- Produces a replica service that returns the same results as the API provided.
- Rest api built using ASP NET Core 2.0 Web API
- Library to deal with external API
- In memory Database
- Unit test
- Front end SPA built using Angular 5 along with Angular cli
The solution contains two parts -
- Cars.Api with SPA application
- Cars.Domain - Replica of Kloud api
- Cars.Kloud.Api - Handler to Kloud api
- Cars.Api.UnitTest using Nunit to test the Apis.
- Cars.Kloud.Api.UnitTest is another unit testing project using Nunit Framework to test Externl Api handler library.
Open the solution in visual studio IDE and press F5. this will launch a web application.
Clicking on Car list brings all the list of cars
Clicking on Owners grouped by Cars will get you all the Owners listed under each car order by owners then by colour.
External (Call to Kloud Api) gets you data from Kloud api
Internal (Call to local DB) gets you data from Local Db which is a replica of Kloud api