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A Modern MML parser that converts a string containing Modern MML to an array of objects for each note/rest.


npm install mml-parser


// CJS
const parseMml = require('mml-parser');

// ESM
import parseMml from 'mml-parser';

// case and whitespace insensitive
const mmlTokens = parseMml('D E4. < T100 L2 F#', {
    tempo: 192,
    octave: 5,
    lengthOfNote: 8,
    Token {
        mmlString: 'D',
        pitchInHz: 587,
        lengthInMs: 156,
        offsetInMs: 0,
        details: {
            baseNote: 'D',
            accidental: 'natural',
            midiNumber: 74,
            lengthInCrotchets: 0.5,
            referenceBpm: 192
        volume: 10
    Token {
        mmlString: 'E4.',
        pitchInHz: 659,
        lengthInMs: 469,
        offsetInMs: 156,
        details: {
            baseNote: 'E',
            accidental: 'natural',
            midiNumber: 76,
            lengthInCrotchets: 1.5,
            referenceBpm: 192
        volume: 10
    Token {
        mmlString: 'F#',
        pitchInHz: 370,
        lengthInMs: 1200,
        offsetInMs: 625,
        details: {
            baseNote: 'F',
            accidental: 'sharp',
            midiNumber: 66,
            lengthInCrotchets: 2,
            referenceBpm: 100
        volume: 10


parseMml(input, startingModifiers)


A case-insensitive string containing Modern MML. Whitespace is ignored when parsing. If any invalid characters are encountered during parsing (including characters that are out of place, such as a # that does not follow a note letter), an error is thrown with the following shape:

    // Human-readable message describing the reason for throwing
    message: string;
    // Index of the throwing character in the input string
    cause: number;

startingModifiers (Optional)

An optional object containing initial modifiers applied at the start of parsing. Individual modifiers are overwritten if new values are encountered while passing (e.g. overwriting the starting tempo upon parsing T200). The following optional starting modifiers are accepted:


Default: 120

Starting tempo/bpm using the standard crotchets (quarter notes) per minute. Equivalent to prepending the input with a T value.


Default: 4

Starting note length. Equivalent to prepending the input with an L value.


Default: 4

Starting octave. Equivalent to prepending the input with an O value.


Default: 10

Starting volume (sometimes referred to as "velocity"). This value may not be used by all software and the exact range used will also be software-dependent. Equivalent to prepending the input with a V value.


An array of Token objects with the following shape:

    mmlString: string;
    pitchInHz: number;
    lengthInMs: number;
    offsetInMs: number;
    details: {
        baseNote: 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'R' | 'P';
        accidental: 'sharp' | 'natural' | 'flat';
        midiNumber: number;
        lengthInCrotchets: number;
        referenceBpm: number;
    volume: number;