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npm install --save vue3-observe-visibility

⚠️ This plugin uses the Intersection Observer API that is not supported in every browser (currently supported in Edge, Firefox and Chrome). You need to include a polyfill to make it work on incompatible browsers.


import { createApp } from 'vue'
import VueObserveVisibility from 'vue3-observe-visibility'

const app = createApp()


import { ObserveVisibility as vObserveVisibility } from 'vue3-observe-visibility'


<script src="vue.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>

The plugin should be auto-installed. If not, you can install it manually with the instructions below.

Install all the directives:


Use specific directives:

app.directive('observe-visibility', VueObserveVisibility.ObserveVisibility)


The v-observe-visibility directive is very easy to use. Just pass a function as the value:

<div v-observe-visibility="visibilityChanged">

This also works on components:

<MyComponent v-observe-visibility="visibilityChanged" />

The function will be called whenever the visiblity of the element changes with the argument being a boolean (true means the element is visible on the page, false means that it is not).

The second argument is the corresponding IntersectionObserverEntry object.

visibilityChanged (isVisible, entry) {
  this.isVisible = isVisible

IntersectionObserver options

It's possible to pass the IntersectionObserver options object using the intersection attribute:

<div v-observe-visibility="{
  callback: visibilityChanged,
  intersection: {
    root: ...,
    rootMargin: ...,
    threshold: 0.3,


It can be useful to listen for when the element is visible only once, for example to build introduction animations. Set the once option to true:

<div v-observe-visibility="{
  callback: visibilityChanged,
  once: true,

Throttling visibility

You can use the throttle options (in ms) specifying minimal state duration after which an event will be fired. It's useful when you are tracking visibility while scrolling and don't want events from fastly scrolled out elements.

<div v-observe-visibility="{
  callback: visibilityChanged,
  throttle: 300,

You can also pass a leading option to trigger the callback the first time when the visibility changes without waiting for the throttle delay. I can either be visible, hidden or both.

<div v-observe-visibility="{
  callback: visibilityChanged,
  throttle: 300,
  throttleOptions: {
    leading: 'visible',

Passing custom arguments

You can add custom argument by using an intermediate function:

<div v-observe-visibility="(isVisible, entry) => visibilityChanged(isVisible, entry, customArgument)">

Here visibilityChanged will be call with a third custom argument customArgument.

Disabling the observer

Passing a falsy value to the directive will disable the observer:

  v-for="(item, index) of items"
  v-observe-visibility="index === items.length - 1 ? visibilityChanged : false"


<div id="app">
  <button @click="show = !show">Toggle</button>
    <input type="checkbox" v-model="isVisible" disabled/> Is visible?
  <div ref="test" v-show="show" v-observe-visibility="visibilityChanged">Hello world!</div>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const show = ref(true);
const isVisible = ref(true);

visibilityChanged (isVisible, entry) {
 isVisible.value = isVisible


Forked From