A Node.js Server which is aimed for educators and those who need a fast and easy way to disperse files across a network, While the Server itself does not offer any feature that achieves the said goal anymore (CLI app is now decoupled with main server), It lends itself to serving web-applications that mainly provide these services instead.
Web-apps available:
FileHub: Allows hosting of files and folders
Willburr-Web: Allows hosting of mirrored copies of websites
Note: Willburr-web is actually the browser-port of the original CLI built-into the server.
These web-apps should have a guide with them to help you get acquainted with how they work.
Command Overview: The application provides a relatively small set of commands for managing shared resources through user-made servers.
Quick Definitions:
Web - An object containing core information about a server such as its name, port and shared resources to broadcast.
String - An object which contains the values used for endpoint bindings and its root directory.
In other words, Web objects are the parents of String objects.
Main Functionalities:
- Creating and modifying web, and string instances.
- Control execution of any managed web instance.
- Save application states/settings for exporting, or reuse.
Sample Commands
//The web command functions are: help, create, delete, display, run and stop.
web display //Shows a summarized view of all servers in memory.
web display serverA //Shows information about a server in memory.
//The app command functions are: help, save, load and clear.
app load //Load from the default configuration file(src/config/state.json)
app load /dir //Load from another source(has to be a json file).
Note that each commands and functions does include a help function which prints out a rather helpful info to the user.