Physical access authentication system using NFC and wifi.
Intended for door access points, machine access control (via power switching), and reserves/schedualing on machines and rooms.
This project involves multiple components some being redundant that exist as options for a custom system
- Custom board based on the ESP-12 module (esp8266) that controls a relay and can scan NFC devices (?)
- firmware for the esp8266 code that runs on the board (/Firmware/doornfcESP/)
- An Express server that handles authentication requests against a mongo.db server (/Server/)
- An admin web page to register, renew, and revoke members (/Server/views/)
- firmware to run on any Arduino with a Serial to Sockets relaying program (/Firmware/cardReaderArduino/)
- A serial to sockets relaying program, Communicates information between and non-networked arduino and server (/Firmware/nodeRelay/)
- firmware for the Particle Spark Core (/Firmware/sparkcore/)