LeKiwi - Low-Cost Mobile Manipulator | Version 1
- 12V 5A LiPo battery to power motors and be converted to 5V 5A for the Rasberry Pi 5
- Raspberry Pi 5
- Laptop streaming
- 3-wheel Kiwi (holonomic) drive with omni wheels
- Workspace camera
- Wrist camera
- Teleoperation with controller or laptop WASD + leader arm
- Data collection pipeline
- Streaming joint angles and camera feed
Join the project on this Discord server! Let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or other feedback.
Thank you to everyone who helped on the project!
CAD Design: Manav Chandaka, Bhargav Chandaka, Pepijn Kooijmans
Software: Pepijn Kooijmans, Gloria Wang, Bhargav Chandaka, Advait Patel