Plugin interface: Config interface:
- Rename the dll file to whatever you would like your URL Tab to be titled. Use underscores (_) for spaces. (Eg. My Web Tools > My_Web_Tools.dll)
- Add the renamed dll into the Labtech plugin manager (Help > Plugin Manager).
- Reboot Labtech.
- Go back into the Labtech plugin manager and ensure that the checkbox is checked beside the imported plugin. If not, check it and restart Labtech.
- The plugin should now be enabled. Double click on any client, location, or computer. You should see the new tab added to the end of your standard tabs.
- On the config tab, click the "Add Tab" button to add a new subtab to the list. You will now be able to enter the urls of the pages you want added.
- Once you have entered all your tabs and subtabs, click the "Save Config" button.
- Close out of the current client, location, computer window then come right back in. Once you are back in, you should see the websites you added to the plugin.
That's it! Now you can integrate web apps into your Labtech control center.
I am working on adding the ability to do text replacements so that if you double click on a client or a location, it can be passed as a parameter to the website in the page.