Official MaLGa Vision Code Repository
- 2D gait analysis: Markerless gait analysis in stroke survivors based on computer vision and deep learning: a pilot study
- 3D gait analysis: Markerless vs. Marker-Based Gait Analysis: A Proof of Concept Study
- Epileptic seizures classification: Automatic Video Analysis and Classification of Sleep‐related Hypermotor seizures and Disorders of Arousal
- HHP-Net - Head Pose Estimation:HHP-Net
- LAEO demo an application of HHP-Net
- Anticipation Proof-of-Concept for GROUND Workshop project-- Federico Figari T.
- FasterVideo: FasterVideo: Efficient Online Joint Object Detection and Tracking
- USV Detection and Tracking
- Cooking Actions Dataset: The MoCA dataset, kinematic and multi-view visual streams of fine-grained cooking actions - MoCA dataset
- Facade Building Defects: The dataset include images images to perform the classification of defects in building facade - FBD dataset
- Efficient video filtering using 3D Gray-Code Kernels
- Motion Saliency Detection using 3D Gray-Code Kernels
- Time-to-Label: Multi-view stereo extension-- Issa Mouawad
- Time-To-Label-- Issa Mouawad
- MediaPipe tool-- Federico Figari T.
- HHP-Net private-- Federico Figari T.
- FasterVideo -- Issa Mouawad
- EGO4D forecasting challenge -- Federico Figari T.
- ZedCam Processing -- Federico Figari T.
- Scene Graph Generation -- Federico Figari T. Clara Mouawad
- HHP-Net -- Federico Figari T. & Giorgio Cantarini
- MinimalActionClassification -- Federico Figari T.
- MOSAIC -- Federico Figari T.
- RainNet_v2.0 -- Manasa & Federico Figari T.
- MoCA dataset -- Elena Nicora
- Efficient video filtering using 3D Gray-Code Kernels -- Elena Nicora
- Motion Saliency Detection using 3D Gray-Code Kernels -- Elena Nicora
- USV Detection and Tracking -- Issa Mouawad
- Breast Cancer segmentation -- Jacopo Dapueto
- Marine project -- Jacopo Dapueto
- Cariplo Project -- Simone Campisi
- Markerless Body Machine Interface -- Matteo Moro & Fabio Rizzoglio & Mattia Pedemonte
- Markerless BoMI for robot control -- Matteo Moro & Mattia Pedemonte
- Epilepsy Project -- Matteo Moro & Vito Paolo Pastore
- Infants Parameters -- Matteo Moro & Luca Garello & Vito Paolo Pastore
- Infants Graphs -- Matteo Moro & Davide Garbarino
- 2D Gait Analysis -- Matteo Moro & Giorgia Marchesi
- 3D Gait Analysis -- Matteo Moro & Filip Hesse
- Tuning-No Tuning -- Paolo Alfano & Vito Paolo Pastore
- Phenotype mapping -- Paolo Alfano & Vito Paolo Pastore
- Neural engineering analysis -- Vito Paolo Pastore & Jacopo Dapueto
- Esaote US Project -- Simone Testa
- Computer vision methods for automatic volume calibration in MRI medical images -- Vito Paolo Pastore & Roberto Di Via
- AFOSR Gait Analysis Inertial Data -- Alexander Statsenko
- Optical Probe Circle Ellipse Parameter Estimation -- Alexander Statsenko
- Optical Probe ML -- Alexander Statsenko
- Dot Code Detection -- Alexander Statsenko
- Standard plane classification Esaote -- Matteo Interlando
-Easy Diffusion Models -- Jacopo Dapueto and Federico Figari T.