This is the monolithic core of the operating system under the x86 architecture.
To install the kernel will require the so-called cross-compiler. The script for installing a cross-compiler is called "". But since the cross-compiler will be built from sources, the following dependencies will be required ...
- A Unix-like environment.
- Enough memory and hard disk space.
- G++
- Make
- Bison
- Flex
- Texinfo
- CLooG
- Install the above dependencies.
- Launch ./
- A Unix-line environment which qemu or grub bootloader.
- Install cross compiler
- Launch ./
- Install qemu-kvm
- Install qemu
- Install virt-manager
- Install virt-viewer
- Install libvirt-bin
- Launch ./
- Copy the "kernel" file to the folder /boot and name it conix.
- Open the file /boot/grub.сfg with root rights.
- Add lines to the end of the file ...
menuentry 'Conix' {
set root='hd0,msdos1'
multiboot /boot/conix ro
- Restart the computer and select conix from the list.