Unity个人练手项目,第三人称射击游戏Demo,参考Unity官方第一人称射击游戏模板项目实现,更改模型、地图,将控制系统更改为使用Cinemachine Camera和Input System的第三人称控制,添加第三人称模型,并使用Animator Controller构建相应的动画状态机,本身包含敌人行为状态机、Nav Agent路径导航、武器及子弹控制系统、伤害血量及血量的全局显示、简单的游戏流程消息系统等。
点击“Generate Gameobject”按钮会在场景中生成正方体,在点击“HotReload"后再次点击会生成球形物体,想要使用功能请保证有本地或远程服务器,且服务器中有对应的热更AB包,并在xLuaHotLoad.cs中更改对应的服务器资源地址。
- 解决子弹系统异常延迟bug
- 完善玩家模型动画
- 使用Lua重写或添加部分逻辑
- 完善枪械上下瞄准
- 修复射击时子弹生成位置问题
- 添加敌人攻击
- 添加拾取血包
- 添加锁定系统
- 添加子弹碰撞特效
- 背包系统
- 网络系统
- 人物在冲刺时持枪动画错误
- 人物在斜向前进时动画错误
- 枪械子弹似乎还有一些问题
Personal practice unity project, a third person shoot game demo, based on unity official fps template project, change the official project's control system to Cinema chine Camera & Input System third person system, add an third person player model, use Animator Controller to add some animation, the project include Enemy state machine, Nav Agent, Gun System, Damage & Health System, Enemy health display and a simple game flow event system.
Very WIP, and I use plastic for version control, GitHub just for demonstrating, so may not update frequently, if you have any question or suggestion, you can make an issue or discussion, questions/suggestions/discussions are welcome.
Hit "Generate Gameobject" button will generate a cube in scene, if you hit "HotReload" button and then hit "Generate Gameobject" button again, it will generate a sphere in scene. if you want to test it, you must have a local or remote hosting having the hotfix assetbundle, and change the resource path in xLuaHotLoad.cs according to its URL.
- Fix the weird delay when shooting
- Improve player model animation
- Add some lua for practice
- Improve weapon vertical control
- Fix the projectile position bug when shooting
- Add enemy attack
- Add pickup Health
- Add lock on system
- Add projectile hit VFX
- Inventory
- Network
- Animation bug when sprint
- Animation bug when walk/run forward left/right
- Some bug about projectile