A series of lua scripts based on Premake5 to generate C++ project
- In your root folder, create config.lua (will be reworked at some point):
env.config = {}
env.config.name = 'SolutionName'
- In ./code/, create XXX.lua:
Demo = Register('Demo') -- use 'Declare()' instead if you want a template project (unsupported for now)
-- init some data used by parents
function Demo:Init()
-- it's important to use 'self' because of inheritance
self.parent = App -- set project inheritance, you may also use 'Lib'
self.dependencies = { DemoLib } -- use to add dependencies, will call 'AddDependencies()' function on dependence projects
function Demo:Setup()
-- do some operation specific to your project
function Demo:AddDependencies(other)
-- called when 'other' depends on this project
- Run build.py from your project folder.
The generated solution is under ./.generated/projects/visualStudio/
- Generate Visual Studio C++ Solution
- Support .exe and .lib generation
- Support .lib or custom dependencies
- Windows only
- Cross platform support
- Rework main solution config file to be more user customizable, as project config files
- Allow user defined template project using
instead ofRegister()
- Reorganize scripts, wrap functions into classes
- Various improvements