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Open Source HolyQuran app that provide Read, Listen, Tafseer, Test all of them and app is very small size.


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Open Source HolyQuran app that provide Read, Listen, Tafseer, Test all of them and app is very small size


Note : App is being refactored into Kotlin (Reach now MVP stage from app with Kotlin)

Features[of full App]

  • Go to specific sura by Scrolling and click.
  • Go to specific sura by its Num.
  • Go to specific sura by its Name.
  • Go to Specific Juz
  • Go to last Read Position.
  • Search for words or complete ayah.
  • Download and Listen to ayahs
  • Repeat each ayas and repeat whole listening
  • Tafseer
  • Points for Tasmee3
  • can report a bug, chat with app developer powered by InstaBug - explaned in demo video - (Not Available now).
  • ReadLog that store pages user read.
  • Continue reading when open app.
  • App is Full Quran and Tafseer.


  • Data first one was data, how to get data, first i found images of quran and build app using it but app size is too larg so i searched for text of quran i have found XML version of quran but i prefere JSON over xml then i got JSON version of quran and built 1.0 version of app.

  • Last Read Feature its a good feature to save last position of read automatically I have faced problem with get scroll Position but finally got it using scrollView.getScrollY(); and save it in sharedPreference, and scroll back using scrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, scroll);

  • Improve Performance last method app load data from JSON and parse it with every open to sura so solution was use of db, i have used Room and build entities, Dao, and Database.

  • Search Search is fundamental feature of any Qurany App so I wrote Query to search in Ayahs but faced problem that Quran is dialacted(Tashkill - symbols) which make search impossible so I have searched and get a clean Version and add it beside last one (each ayah has two version one for display and other to search), data was XML from Tanzil and use online converter to convert from XML to JSON but file was not as standard of JSON so I have fixed it.

  • Listening Download audio have two ways first download whole sura or download seperate ayahs, i have used seperate ayahs to enable feature of listen to specific ayahs. I download audio in storage then store path into database to be used by medialPlayer.

  • Automatice Scroll down was good feature but challegable I found a way for that by using TimerTask its job to scroll scrollView down by a constant num, but how to change rate with response to use? I create seekbar and after each change i make new Task but not this way has conflicts so i declare attribute that changed by rate from user and used by timertask

  • App Not Working with Android 8 there were a problem with downloading audio on Android 8, I found that we must allow traffic solution at Manifiest

  • Unrelated histories Unable to merge I have tried to make repo clonable and run without problem but i lost all 63 commit. Alhumdllah now developers can clone & fork & pull and help us to develop app.

  • Update UI after finish downloading after returning from download activity it is good to load data, I have tried play with lifecycle but not work. I solved it using a tricky solution

    protected void onResume() {
        // used to update UI
        int id = navigation.getSelectedItemId();
        navigation.setSelectedItemId(id); // here fragment will be opened with new Data
  • Display HizbQurater I created a function to count and display hizbQuarter info but faced challenge of determine the first and right time to display it. so it made a SQL Query to get startIndex of pages that contain first HizbQuarter.

  • Android Design Library not working can not resolve design library so that BottomNavigation and other component not work. After 3 days from solving errors and applying stackoverflow solutions finally solved it by migrating to androidX and solve some third party library configuration.

  • Bad Experience with Toasts toasts was shown one after other and conflict user so solution was to check first if toast is shown cancel it then show new one.

 Toast toast ;
    private void showMessage(String message) {
        if (toast != null){
        toast = Toast.makeText(this , message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);;


Mistakes & Learn

  • The app have crashed on real device but app work correctly on emulator so I used a crashReporter library and it generates a report after check I found problem was with primaryColor that it has a alpha value so I removed alpha and app work correctly.

  • got error when I built release app after use retrofit so I added some rules for proguard

# Retrofit does reflection on generic parameters. InnerClasses is required to use Signature and
# EnclosingMethod is required to use InnerClasses.
-keepattributes Signature, InnerClasses, EnclosingMethod
# Retain service method parameters when optimizing.
-keepclassmembers,allowshrinking,allowobfuscation interface * {
    @retrofit2.http.* <methods>;
# Ignore annotation used for build tooling.
-dontwarn org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement
# Ignore JSR 305 annotations for embedding nullability information.
-dontwarn javax.annotation.**
# Guarded by a NoClassDefFoundError try/catch and only used when on the classpath.
-dontwarn kotlin.Unit

  • baseUrl of retrofit must end with /

  • betwenen has upper bound included so if we want from 1 to 10 SQL will be between 1 and 10.

  • while creating custome dialog I want to remove title so I use dialog.requestWindowFeature but it was called after dialoge.setContentView(), it is error to call it after setContentView.


  • V2.5.1

    • Add awesome Intro
    • Add continue reading feature that Ask user to go to last page to read.
    • App start with Quran & Tafseer loaded.
    • Improve UI for bottom nav
      • add labels and it appear all the time.
  • V2.3.1

    • Add ReadLog that store pages user read.
    • Improve UI for page switching.
    • fix bugs #13,#24,#34,#43,#44,#46.
  • V2.1.3

    • new UI
      • page layout
      • setting activity
    • new way of switching pages
    • fix bugs #39,#38,#37,#35.
  • V2.0

    • new UI
      • ayahEnd Symbol is fixed.
      • UI for Listen & Test.
    • add HizbQuarter Info.
    • Tafseer is now offline.
    • fix Bugs #31,#30.#29,#28,#27.
    • add InstaBug(trial) for in-app feedback and crash reporting feature.


Qurany is built using:

Technology Version
Java 8
XML 1.0
Android Support Library 28.0.0
retrofit2 2.3.0
Room 1.1.1
ButterKnife 8.8.1
crashreporter 1.0.9
gson 2.8.5
sdp-android 1.0.5
ssp-android 1.0.5
AppRate 1.1
prdownloader 0.4.0
easypermissions 1.1.1
stetho 1.5.1
Android-SpinKit 1.2.0


Languages Line of code (LOC)
Java 10494
XML 3498
  • 31/3 / 13/4 folow

  • 19/3 - 1/4 folow

  • 28/2 - 12/3 git flow


  • Thanks to zularizal for awesome logo
  • Thanks to izzysoft for providing another installion source.

App Testers

Thanks for your efforts for testing Qurany App, keep moving: