A Flutter project to parse .xml files. By this application you can see two samples of parsing and also you're be able to choose a directory from your device and parse subset .xml files into a .txt file.
As the first page you see the home page includes two buttons, Sample Button to see the sample inputs and the Browse Button to choose your directory from device and parse it.
In this page you can choose English or Italian inputs sample to see the parsed text. In fact I have saved the .xml files in our assets folder and parse them.
Finally in Browse Page you can choose a directory from your device and at the end, I parse all of the xml files subset of them into a .txt file. As you see in the below image, you can select the saved icon in the appBar and save the result.txt into your application data folder.
into /Android/0/data/com.xml_parser/files you should see something like this:
In Parser file I've implemented a parser file to parse a .xml file text. First of all I separate every line by string tag. Evety string tag includes a name and value parameters, like:
<string name="ads_explain_1">This game is free to play.</string>
then I check some characters in them, for example replace all the extra characters with empty string or replace placeholders with correct characters. So, I define a regex to find the placeholder:
NOTE: For implementing the parser I didn't use any library or package. I've used packages only for media permission and file manager.