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How to join the staff?

deby edited this page Apr 8, 2017 · 25 revisions

School Idol Tomodachi is made by fans for fans. It's important for us to stay community-driven, that's why we want to get our community members involved as much as possible!

Open Staff Positions

Basic requirements

  • Previous experience as an admin, moderator, middleman or anything else in the LLSIF community or similar
  • People who can recommend you, preferably with previous experience as admin, moderator, middlemen or anything else in the LLSIF community
  • A good knowledge of LLSIF and the collections of cards
  • A bit of time to spend being a staff every week
  • The Discord app installed on your phone + laptop that you can read every single day (that's where the team work together)
  • A serious sense of responsibility: never leave for weeks without telling us
  • A profile on School Idol Tomodachi
  • Good English writing skills (mostly informal/friendly, but spell/grammar checked)
  • Positivity, optimism: the community is full of love and joy and we want to keep it that way, so that's a big part of the staff's jobs!

Community Managers

Community Managers

Twitter Community manager [2 needed]

Keep yourself updated with the latest LLSIF news and post tweets on our Twitter account: @schoolidolu. Read the full role description here.


  • Referrals
  • Be a very active Twitter user with strong knowledge of communication on Twitter
  • Graphic design skills appreciated (see Graphic Designer)
  • Being able to read and understand Japanese would be nice but not mandatory
Tumblr Community manager [1 needed]

Keep yourself updated with the latest LLSIF news and post on our Tumblr: sukutomo. Read the full role description here.


  • Referrals
  • Be an active Tumblr user with strong knowledge of communication on Tumblr
  • Strong knowledge of the Tumblr community (kind of people, latest trends)
External Community manager [3 needed]


  • Referrals
  • Be an active members on various LLSIF communities
Graphic Designer [∞ needed]

Design banners and various images asked by the Community Managers above.


  • Graphic design software (Photoshop, Gimp, Paint.NET, Pixlr, Pixelmator or you name it)
  • Work fast (some things need to be announced within the next hour!) - but don't worry, we'll do our best to ask you most images in advance
Japanese speaker [3 needed]

Language barrier leads the site to lots of lost opportunities, so we need you to interact with the Japanese members of the community and help the site grow in Japan by translating our community posts, contest names/banners, and contact Japanese communities to start partnerships and help fulfill their needs as well.


  • Speak and write in Japanese at a friendly yet grown-up level



silver Silver Verifications [5 needed]

Give a cute little silver star to School Idol Tomodachi community members. Compare in-game screenshots with a School Idol Tomodachi account and add/remove cards if necessary. Learn more about verifications


  • Referrals
  • A large screen (> 1200px)
Bronze Verifications [0 needed]

Allow our high ranked players to set their rank above 200 and join the leaderboard without getting a visible sign of verification. Enter their friend ID in your own game account to check if the account exists and the rank is correct. Learn more about verifications


  • Referrals
  • Must also take care of either Silver verifications or Gold verifications
  • An active account on SIF in your device to be able to enter friend IDs in game
gold Gold Verifications [1 needed]

Give an epic little gold star to School Idol Tomodachi community members. Enter their transfer code to check their rank, friend ID and cards, add/remove cards (in School Idol Tomodachi) if necessary, generate and send them a new transfer code. Learn more about verifications


  • Referrals
  • 1 month+ doing silver verifications
  • At least one actual device (Android or iOs) with SIF installed in JP or EN without any active account (only used for verifications, not to play)



Moderator [5 needed]
  • Read all the new activities posted by users every day and report the activities that shouldn't be on the site
  • Read all the new comments posted every day and report
  • Check the events ranking and report any wrong event participation (score or position)
  • Go through the list of high ranked players (verified or not) and report fake accounts (verified accounts may lose their verification status if they add too many cards or jump ranks suspiciously)


  • Referrals
  • An active account in the game to check ranks and event participations
  • An account on Disqus
  • Lots of time and patience



Database Maintainer [0 needed]

Keep cards/songs/events/idols data up to date on various external resources to update the School Idol Tomodachi database.


Translator [∞ needed]

Translate the website and the mobile app in other languages than English.


  • Native or excellent speaker of another language than English
  • Good writing skills in that language, informal/friendly tone, grammar/spell check
Developer [∞ needed]
  • Create your own tools/pages
  • And/or fix bugs, implement features asked by the community


  • Know a web or mobile programming language/framework
  • Preferably Python/Django for the backend and JQuery for the front-end, but we accept everything
Community Artist [∞ needed]
  • Draw chibi characters for the idols example
  • And/or draw comics, fun story, fun images related to what's happening in LLSIF or School Idol Tomodachi

Note: You don't have to submit the form below if you want to join the Community Artists._

Read all the details to submit your artworks


Can I get multiple roles?

Yes, that's actually what most staff do!

Is this a paid job?

It's a community/fan based website, made by fans for fans, so there's no money involved for any member of the staff.

Also, we're broke and can't even pay for our servers, and though donations help, they don't cover the full expenses :(

Who are the current staff?

You can see all the members of the staff on our about page.


  1. If needed (see requirements for each role), ask a minimum of 3 active members of the LLSIF community to refer you. The more the better! To ask them, you can simply send them this link.

  2. Fill this form

  3. The current staff team will review your application and get back to you within a week. If you didn't hear from us after a week, Contact us.


If you think someone would be a great staff member, please refer them! We might reach out to them and see if they're interested in joining us.

  1. Fill this form to refer someone.

  2. You may send multiple referrals if you want!

school idol tomodachi

List of features

School Idol Tomodachi Cards

School Idol Tomodachi Profile

School Idol Tomodachi Activities

School Idol Tomodachi Events

School Idol Festival, the game

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