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This repository contains the monorepo developed for Magalu Cloud (MGC). Each subdirectory within mgc/ corresponds to a Go module:

  • Core: Definition of data types used for the intermediate structure generated by the SDK after parsing either an OpenAPI spec or a static definition.

  • SDK: Implement the concrete data types defined by core to generate usable commands. The commands can be used by the CLI via Cobra commands, or by Terraform Plugin Provider to perform CRUD on resources.

  • CLI: Go CLI, using Cobra, with commands and actions defined by the SDK. The commands can either come from dynamic loaded OpenAPI spec or static modules, i.e: authentication.

  • Lib: A Go library, a human-readable SDK. Its code is automatically generated.

Our code is written in Golang, however there are some utility scripts written in Python as well.

Looking for Terraform code? Check out the Terraform provider repository


To run the project, the main dependency needed is Go. To install, visit the official link with the instructions.

There are some utility scripts written in Python. For this, Poetry is used. Check for instructions.

Building and running locally

Building needs goreleaser and can be done using a Makefile target:

$ make build-local

If all goes well, the output binary will be a platform-dependent directory, where it can be run:

$ cd dist/mgc_<your_platform>
$ ./mgc


See sdk/openapi/

Adding new APIs


To add a new API spec, see

Static APIs

Manually written APIs should be added to mgc/sdk/static, follow the structure in the exiting modules (auth, config).



We use pre-commit to install git hooks and enforce lint, formatting, tests, commit messages and others. This tool depends on Python as well. On pre-commit we enforce:

  • On commit-msg for all commits:
  • On pre-commit for Go files:
    • Complete set of golangci-lint: errcheck, gosimple, govet, ineffasign, staticcheck, unused
  • On pre-commit for Python files:
    • flake8 and black enforcing pep code styles



brew install pre-commit


pip install pre-commit

For other types of installation, check their official doc.


After installing, the developer must configure the git hooks inside its clone:

pre-commit install


We install the go linters via pre-commit, so it is automatically run by the pre-commit git hook. However, if one wants to run standalone it can be done via:

pre-commit run golangci-lint

Run all

Run pre-commit without any file modified:

pre-commit run -a