The DasmaQL component is a Svelte component built on top of the npm package dasmaql. It provides support for highlighting, autocompletion, and model generation, which can be utilized in both frontend and backend applications.
- Highlighting: Svelte DasmaQL component supports syntax highlighting for enhanced readability and understanding of DasmaQL queries.
- Autocompletion: It offers autocompletion functionality to assist users in typing DasmaQL queries more efficiently and accurately.
- Model Generation: The component can generate DasmaQL query models based on provided fields and search callbacks, facilitating easier integration with backend systems.
- fields: An array of valid fields for autocompletion suggestions.
- callbackSearch: A callback function to search for parameters based on the provided field and search query.
<script lang="ts">
const callbackSearch = (field: string, search: string): (string | { label: string })[] => {
// Placeholder for search functionality
// Replace with actual search logic
// Return dummy search result for example
return [label: '"some result"'];
<DasmaQl {fields} {callbackSearch} />