Bare bones container combining default Postgres and WAL-G. There is no configuration added for WAL-G so You need to configure it Yourself, this image just adds it to the default Postgres image.
Currently published images :
Image name comes from : <Postgres image>_<WAL-G binary>.
WAL-G binary can be found at /usr/local/bin/wal-g.
Since this contains a random runnable binary file (WAL-G), I'm a bit hesitant of pulling other branches directly (AND YOU SHOULD TOO AND IF YOU DON'T TRUST ME, USE THE GUIDE BELOW)
For private use/paranoia:
- Fork.
- Add WAL-G binary to files.
- Change build-and-public-images.yml file to suit Your needs (usually change to point to the new name, binary and Postgres image combination).
- Commit/run Github actions.
If You wish for me to publish Your new release, use Github issue template for new release and I will add the release to build pipeline as soon as I can.