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aalmousa committed Jun 2, 2024
1 parent b3bf72f commit 7f535eb
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Showing 17 changed files with 5,124 additions and 0 deletions.
555 changes: 555 additions & 0 deletions MinimalPrimes.m2

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259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions MinimalPrimes/AnnotatedIdeal.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@

-- An "annotated ideal" is a hash table with keys:
-- Ideal: I
-- Linears: L
-- NonzeroDivisors: NZ
-- Inverted: inverteds
-- where
-- (a) I is an ideal (in a subset of the variables)
-- (b) L is a list of (x, g, f), where
-- (c) x is a variable (not appearing in I at all)
-- (d) g is a monic poly not involving x
-- (e) f = xg-h is in the original ideal (leadTerm f is not nec leadTerm(xg))
-- (f) h does not involve x.
-- NZ: list of known nonzero-divisors. This is used only for performance:
-- once we know that e.g. A.Ideal : f == A.Ideal, then f can be placed on this list.
-- inverteds: Elements that have been 'inverted' in the calculation. Need to saturate
-- with respect to these when reconstructing the associated ideal, assuming that
-- the ideal is not known to be prime already.
-- HOWEVER, if the keys IndependentSet, LexGBOverBase exist
-- then I is only contained in the associated ideal.
-- These keys contain the following info:
-- A.IndependentSet This is a triple (basevars,S,SF) where S,SF are returned from makeFiberRings
-- A.LexGBOverBase GB of ISF over SF
-- If one of these flags is set, both are, and the resulting ideal is equidimensional.
-- Other keys:
-- Finished Flags: if any of these flags exists, then that split
-- technique would have no further effect on the annotated ideal A.
-- A.Birational
-- A.Linear
-- A.Factorization
-- A.IndependentSet
-- A.SplitTower
-- A.DecomposeMonomials
-- A.Trim
-- A.LexGBSplit is set once LexGBOverBase consists of irred polynomials over the base field.
-- A.isPrime: possible values: "YES", "NO", "UNKNOWN". Usually "YES" or "UNKNOWN".
-- The associated ideal consists of 3 parts, with a potential saturation step:
-- (a) the linear polynomials in L
-- (b) the ideal I
-- (c) if LexGBOverBase is a key, then the contraction of (ideal A.LexGBOverBase) to the polynomial ring
-- the saturation is with respect to all g for each (x,g,f) in L.
-- See "ideal AnnotatedIdeal" for the exact formula.

AnnotatedIdeal = new Type of MutableHashTable
AnnotatedIdeal.synonym = "annotated ideal"

-- Constructor
annotatedIdeal = method()
annotatedIdeal(Ideal, List, List, List) := AnnotatedIdeal => (I, linears, nzds, inverted) -> (
-- See above for the definition of an annotated ideal and its keys
-- The arguments are named the same thing as in that description
-- nzds is a list of polynomials which are nzds's of the associated ideal
-- inverted is a list of elements such that we ignore the minimal primes
-- that contain any of these elements
-- The associated ideal is:
-- saturate(I + ideal(linears/last), product unique join((linears / (x -> x#1)),inverted))
new AnnotatedIdeal from {
symbol Ideal => I,
symbol Linears => linears,
symbol NonzeroDivisors => monicUniqueFactors nzds,
symbol Inverted => monicUniqueFactors inverted

net AnnotatedIdeal := I -> peek I
ring AnnotatedIdeal := I -> ring I.Ideal

--- Helper functions

-- Question:
-- What if we want to contract away only some of the basevars,
-- not all of them? Will this ever be the case?
-- TODO NOTE: the saturate here should be done in the ring R (grevlex)
contractToPolynomialRing = method(Options => {Verbosity => 0})
contractToPolynomialRing(Ideal) := opts -> I -> (
-- assumes: I is in a ring k(basevars)[fibervars] created with makeFiberRings
-- returns the intersection of I with k[fibervars,basevars] (also created with makeFiberRing).
-- note: numerator (and denominator) of element in ring I gives an element in k[fibervars,basevars]
if not instance(coefficientRing ring I, FractionField) then return I; -- in this case, we are already contracted!
newI := I_*/numerator//ideal//trim;
S := ring newI;
denoms := I_*/denominator;
denomList := unique flatten for d in denoms list (factors d)/last;
if opts.Verbosity > 0 then << "denoms = " << denoms << " and denomList = " << denomList << endl;
Isat := S.cache#"StoR" newI;
F := S.cache#"StoR" (product denomList);
Isat = mySat(Isat, F);
--for f in denomList do Isat = saturate(Isat, S.cache#"StoR" f);
S.cache#"RtoS" Isat)

-- getGB is used for finding a lower bound on the codim of the ideal I
-- The idea is that sometimes the GB computation is too huge, and we
-- don't want to undertake that. But, if it is there, we want to take
-- advantage of it. It could even be a partial Groebner basis.
-- codimLowerBound below uses whatever lead terms we can find in the ideal
-- to get some lower bound on the codimension.
getGB = method()
getGB Ideal := I -> (
pos := select(1, keys I.generators.cache, k -> instance(k, GroebnerBasisOptions));
if #pos === 0 then null else I.generators.cache#(first pos))

-- this function returns a list of the unique factors (of positive degree)
-- occurring in polyList, made monic.
monicUniqueFactors = polyList -> (
polyList1 := polyList/factors//flatten;
polyList2 := select(polyList1, g -> #g > 0);
polyList2 / last // unique)

--- General AnnotatedIdeal commands ---------

gb AnnotatedIdeal := opts -> I -> I.Ideal = ideal gens gb(I.Ideal, opts)
trim AnnotatedIdeal := opts -> I -> (I.Ideal = trim I.Ideal; I.Trim = true; I)

-- The associated ideal to an annotated ideal I is
-- defined at the top of this file.
-- TODO Notes (23 April 2013):
-- (1) Possibly split the linears into two groups, and add the ones with denom=1
-- after the saturation is done.
-- (2) Should we be saturating with the I.Inverted \ I.NonzeroDivisors polynomials?
-- Answer should be yes: but if we know the ideal is prime, then
-- we think we can avoid this. BUT: we need to be very precise about
-- this logic.

-- TODO: should the cache symbol just be Ideal?
ideal AnnotatedIdeal := Ideal => (cacheValue "CachedIdeal") (I -> (
--F := product unique join(I.Linears / (x -> x#1), I.Inverted);
I2 := if not I.?IndependentSet then I.Ideal else (
S := I.IndependentSet#1;
phi := S.cache#"StoR";
phi contractToPolynomialRing ideal I.LexGBOverBase);
for linear in reverse I.Linears do (
I2 = I2 + ideal last linear;
if linear#1 == 1 then continue;
facs := factors linear#1;
if #facs != 0 then I2 = mySat(I2, facs / last // product);
I2 = trim I2);

-- TODO: is this still needed?
ideal AnnotatedIdeal := (I) -> (
--F := product unique join(I.Linears / (x -> x#1),I.Inverted);
if not I#?"CachedIdeal" then I#"CachedIdeal" = (
F := product unique (I.Linears / (x -> x#1));
I1 := ideal(I.Linears/last);
I2 := if I.?IndependentSet then (
S := (I.IndependentSet)#1;
phi := S.cache#"StoR";
phi contractToPolynomialRing ideal I.LexGBOverBase
I3 := if numgens I1 === 0 then I2 else if numgens I2 === 0 then I1 else I1+I2;
--if F == 1 then I3 else saturate(I3, F)
if F == 1 then I3 else mySat(I3, F)

isSubset(Ideal, AnnotatedIdeal) := (I, J) -> isSubset(I, ideal J) -- naive attempt first...

-- Note that if I.IndependentSet is set, then I.Ideal is not the entire ideal.
-- However in this case, I.isPrime will (TODO: check this!) have previously
-- been set to "UNKNOWN", or maybe to "YES" during the IndependentSet or
-- SplitTower computations.
isPrime AnnotatedIdeal := {} >> o -> (I) -> (
if I.?IndependentSet and not I.?isPrime
then error "Our isPrime logic is wrong in this case.";
if not I.?isPrime or I.isPrime === "UNKNOWN" then (
I.isPrime = if numgens I.Ideal == 0 then "YES" else
if I.?Factorization and numgens I.Ideal == 1 then "YES" else

codim AnnotatedIdeal := options(codim,Ideal) >> opts -> (I) -> (
if I.?LexGBOverBase then (
-- this codim is correct in all cases
S := ring I.LexGBOverBase#0; -- should be of the form kk(indepvars)[fibervars]
# I.Linears + numgens S
else (
-- this codim may be only a codimLowerBound if an element in the
-- inverted list is in all the minimal primes of top dimension
if not I.?isPrime or I.isPrime =!= "YES" then
<< "Warning : codim AnnotatedIdeal called on ideal not known to be prime." << endl;
# I.Linears + codim(I.Ideal)

codimLowerBound = method()
codimLowerBound AnnotatedIdeal := I -> (
if I.?LexGBOverBase then (
-- again, in this case, this is the actual codimension.
S := ring I.LexGBOverBase#0; -- should be of the form kk(indepvars)[fibervars]
# I.Linears + numgens S)
else (
GB := getGB I.Ideal;
if GB =!= null
then # I.Linears + codim(monomialIdeal leadTerm GB)
else if numgens I.Ideal === 1 and I.Ideal_0 != 0
then # I.Linears + 1
else # I.Linears + codim(monomialIdeal gens I.Ideal))

--- this is so that we can add in generators to I and keep track of
--- how the annotation changes
adjoinElement = method()
adjoinElement(AnnotatedIdeal, RingElement) := (I, f) -> (
J := ideal compress ((gens I.Ideal) % f);
J = if J == 0 then ideal f else (ideal f) + J;
annotatedIdeal(J, -- is a trim necessary/desirable here?
I.Linears, -- 'linear' generators
{}, -- clear out nonzerodivisor list
unique join(I.NonzeroDivisors, I.Inverted) -- move nonzerodivisors to inverted list

----- Tests section

TEST ///
debug needsPackage "MinimalPrimes"
R = QQ[a,b,c]
polyList = {2*a^2,b^2,c^2,a^3,1_R,8*b^3-c^3}
muf = monicUniqueFactors polyList
assert(set muf === set {a, b, c, b-(1/2)*c, b^2+(1/2)*b*c+(1/4)*c^2})

TEST ///
debug needsPackage "MinimalPrimes"
R = QQ[b,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z]
I = ideal"su - bv, tv - sw, vx - uy, wy - vz"
J1 = annotatedIdeal(trim ideal 0_R,{},{},{})
assert(ideal J1 == 0)
assert(ring J1 === R)
assert(codim J1 == 0)
J2Linears = {(z, v, - w*y + v*z), (y, u, - v*x + u*y), (w, s, - t*v + s*w), (v, b, - s*u + b*v)}
J2 = annotatedIdeal(trim ideal 0_R, J2Linears,{v, u, s, b},{})
F = product unique (J2Linears / (x -> x#1))
assert(ideal J2 == saturate(ideal (J2Linears / last), F))
assert(ring J2 === R)
assert(codim J2 == 4)
J2 = trim J2
J3 = annotatedIdeal(trim ideal 1_R,{},{},{})
assert(ideal J3 == 1)
assert(ring J3 === R)
assert(codim J3 == infinity)
--- TODO: An example with IndependentSets/SplitTower
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions MinimalPrimes/PDState.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
--- PDState commands -----------
PDState = new Type of MutableHashTable
createPDState = method()
createPDState Ideal := I -> (
new PDState from {
"OriginalIdeal" => I,
"PrimesSoFar" => new MutableHashTable from {},
"IntersectionSoFar" => ideal (1_(ring I)),
"isPrimeIdeal" => true,
"isPrimaryIdeal" => true,
"PrunedViaCodim" => 0

updatePDState = method()
updatePDState (PDState,List,ZZ) := (pdState,L,pruned) -> (
-- this function updates the pdState with the new primes in the list L which
-- consists of annotated ideals, all of which are known to be prime
ansSoFar := pdState#"PrimesSoFar";
pdState#"PrunedViaCodim" = pdState#"PrunedViaCodim" + pruned;
for p in L do (
I := ideal p;
--pdState#"IntersectionSoFar" = trim intersect(pdState#"IntersectionSoFar", I);
c := codim p;
--<< endl << " Adding codimension " << c << " prime ideal." << endl;
if not ansSoFar#?c then
ansSoFar#c = {(p,I)}
ansSoFar#c = append(ansSoFar#c,(p,I));
-- here we update the isPrime flag if L comes in with more than one
-- prime, then the ideal is neither prime nor primary.
-- the reason for this is that no single step will produce multiple redundant
-- primes. The only possible redundancy occurs when a prime is
-- already in pdState and also comes into the list L
if #L > 1 then (
pdState#"isPrimeIdeal" = false;
pdState#"isPrimaryIdeal" = false;

numPrimesInPDState = method()
numPrimesInPDState PDState := pdState -> sum apply(pairs (pdState#"PrimesSoFar"), p -> #(p#1))

getPrimesInPDState = method()
getPrimesInPDState PDState := pdState ->
flatten apply(pairs (pdState#"PrimesSoFar"), p -> (p#1) / last)

isRedundantIdeal = method()
isRedundantIdeal (AnnotatedIdeal,PDState) := (I,pdState) -> (
-- the reason for this line is that once IndependentSet has been called, then
-- I.Ideal no longer reflects the ideal
if I.?IndependentSet then return false;
primeList := getPrimesInPDState(pdState);
-- as of now, all ideals are declared not redundant
-- this commented line takes too long!
--any(primeList,p -> isSubset(p,I))

flagPrimality = method()
flagPrimality(PDState, Boolean) := (pdState, primality) -> (pdState#"isPrime" = primality;)

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