A Scalable Modern Full Stack ECommerce Application with Stripe Payments Using Sanity for Structured Content and Next.js as Framework
MCommerce is a fully responsive Modern Full Stack Ecommerce Application with Payments functionality. With Modern design, animations, the ability to add and edit products on the go using a CMS, all advanced cart functionalities, and most importantly the complete integration with Stripe so that you can cover REAL payments.
Technologies used:
- Advanced React Best Practices such as
- Folder and file structure, hooks and refs
- Advanced State Management of the entire application using React Context API
- Next.js Best Practices such as
- File-based routing, Data fetching that allows server-side rendering and static generation which makes your websites incredibly optimized (show getServerSideProps, getStaticPaths, getStaticProps), and using Next.js as a backend endpoint.
- Integrated Stripe to manage payments, products, shipping rates, and the entire checkout process
- And most importantly manage the entire content of the ecommerce app using Sanity. Sanity is the unified content platform that’s used to create the CMS side so users can add/update/delete content with ease.
- Through Sanity, admin users will be able to change the store’s homepage and more importantly, the details of all the products in the store, instantly and on the go!