This repository contains the implementation of Cross-Modal Attention for Accurate Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction.
we propose a novel approach called Cross-Modal Attention Trajectory Prediction (CMATP) able to predict human paths based on observed trajectory and dynamic scene context. Our approach uses a bimodal transformer network to capture complex spatio-temporal interactions and incorporates both pedestrian trajectory data and contextual information.
Our approach includes a cross-attention module that integrates trajectory data with contextual information, allowing the network to capture the general temporal consistency of pedestrian movement. By using a convolutional model for feature extraction and a bimodal transformer, CMATP captures intricate spatio-temporal interactions, improving accuracy while maintaining the same computational complexity as using a single data type.
To install all the dependency packages, please run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
1- We use ETH and UCY datasets. Please download and extract information into the ./data_trajpred folder. Click on here to download data : Then, update the data path (under DataBase Variables). The dataset used for training is set by default to eth, you can change that in the code into hotel, zara_01, zara_02, university (dataset_name variable).
The dataset should be in the /data folder and have the following structure:
-datasetname (eth, hotel, zara_01, zara_02, university)
2- Set the path for saving your trained models in the code (save_path variable). 3- Run the following jupyter Pred_Traj_2EncDecTransf_CA_eth.ipynb to train and test the model
The repository is still under construction. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Best, Mayssa ZAIER