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Martian Travel Tube System - SERVER

This is the server of the Martian Travel Tube System

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Together with a team of researchers and developers, we want to build an open web application that will allow users/clients to travel to different endpoints on Mars and allow businesses to use pods for product transportation.

Getting Started


Make sure you have:

Clone the project!

git clone


Starting the server

To start the server simple press 'run' in the gradle tab > Tasks > application > run on the right-hand side (intelliJ) or use the terminal and execute:

gradle run


H2 database is generated when the server starts so no other actions are needed.
The following scripts will run automatically when deploying the server:

Setup DB Script
Initialise Endpoints Script


We use an openAPI version(3.0.0). We use this openAPI to establish communication between the server and our client.

Using the API

You can use tools like Postman or your browser (only for GET methods).




When the WebServer starts it generates the H2 database, after which it loads a yaml file located in the resources folder. The yaml file contains the OpenAPI3 specification of our REST API. This file adds all routes to the router. Then it adds the Logger, the cors handler, security handlers, SockJSHandler and lastly the error handlers.

The cors handler allows Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) on each incoming request. We add three security handlers: for users and business only or combined. Based on the bearer token given by each request, validation occurs. We also add a SockJSHandler which handles all requests incoming on the eventbus on the events. address. The SockJSHandler allows the clients to listen to specific channels on the eventbus, on which they will receive their notifications. The error handlers add the handlers for all the non 2XX status code responses listed in the specification. It sets the right status code, message and cause of the error.

For errors thrown by the request which aren't handled or caught by previous handlers, it returns an internal server error. This indicates a failed handling of the incoming request by the server. The WebServer also links the correct bridge functions to the REST API paths. The WebServer starts a daily timer as well, which resets the amount of used pods by the businesses.


Each REST API path has method connected to it, the Bridge takes all the relevant data from the context and validates it and passes it on to the controller.

The Bridge also contains the methods to validate the AccountTokens.

Auth Controller

The Auth Controller is an Abstract super class of MTTS Controller. It contains methods to authenticate accounts, createAccounts and logout accounts.

MTTS Controller

The MTTS Controller extends Auth Controller. It contains methods which do additional validation, redirects to the right repository and creates JsonObjects which are the responses defined in the specification.


Repositories is a utility class which contains all instantiations of the other repositories with static accessor methods. This way we only keep one instance of each Repository. For each repository we have an interface and an H2 database implementation of that interface.


The AccountsH2Repository contains methods to retrieve, add or change properties of users and businesses and the necassary SQL queries for each method.


The FriendsH2Repository contains methods to retrieve, add or remove friends and the necessary SQL queries.


The TravelsH2Repository contains methods to travel to an endpoint, cancel a trip and get the travel history of a user.


The EndpointsH2Repository contains methods to retrieve and add endpoints.


The DeliveriesH2Repository contains methods to retrieve or add deliveries and get delivery information.


The FavoritesH2Repository contains methods to retrieve, add or remove favorite endpoints.


The SubscriptionsH2Repository contains methods to retrieve business and user subscriptions or info. It also contains methods to set user and business subscriptions and a method to reset the used amount of pods of a business.


The ReportsH2Repository contains methods to add reports and get the report sections. A report needs a section and description of the report for that section.

H2 Database

The MarsConnection util class creates the H2 Database. It uses the Singleton pattern so that only one instance of the class can exist. It has a static Configure method which creates the actual H2 database using the parameters and stores those inside the MarsConnection class. Further it has a static getConnection method which returns the current connection to the H2 Database. Configure also calls a private method which reads an sql file from the resources/h2 folder which initialize all the tables in fifth normal form, and it has all the constraints to keep the database consistent (ACID). After database creation the script adds the following data to the database:

  • User subscriptions
  • Business subs
  • Report sections
  • Delivery types
  • Pod types
  • Test account

Then a separate script is ran adding all the endpoints.

These scripts are located in the resources/h2 folder.

Database tables:

  • Accounts
    Contains account name, encrypted password, home address and home endpoint id
  • Businesses
    Contains business name, subscription id and pod usage counter
  • Business_subscriptions
    Contains the different business subscription data
  • Deliveries
    Contains delivery information such as type, origin, destination, date and sender data
  • Deliverytypes
    Contains small or large delivery type
  • Endpoints
    Contains all endpoint data
  • Favorite_endpoints
    Contains accountnames coupled with their favorited endpoints
  • Friends
    Contains usernames and their friendnames
  • Podtypes
    Contains data about the different pod types
  • Potential_friends
    Contains non confirmed friends data
  • Reports
    Contains data from sent in reports including which section te report is about
  • Report_sections
    Contains data per reporting section
  • Travels
    Contains all travel data such as origin, destination, username, date, pod types and ETA
  • Users
    Contains all user data such as name, displayname, shareslocation and subscriptionid
  • User_subscriptions
    Contains the different user subscription data

Written by Maarten Vercruysse and Daniel Vlaeminck


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