InvisibleCharm is a python script that allows you to hide your files.
- Python 3.x
- Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater (For Windows)
- python3-dev (For Linux)
- Cython
- setuptools
- log21
- pycryptodome
- Pillow
- python-magic
- importlib_resources
Note: You might need to install some of the requirements manually.
To install InvisibleCharm, you can simply use the pip install InvisibleCharm
python -m pip install InvisibleCharm
Or you can clone the repository and run:
git clone
cd InvisibleCharm
python install
usage: InvisibleCharm [-h] [--ntfs-embed] [--win-attribute] [--embed] [--to-image] [--image-mode {
3, 4 }] --source-file SOURCE [--cover-file COVER] [--dest-file DESTINATION]
[--delete-source] [--compress] [--encrypt-aes] [--encrypt-aes-pass
[--rsa-key-passphrase RSA_KEY_PASS] [--verbose] [--quiet]
{ hide, reveal, h, r }
positional arguments:
{ hide, reveal, h, r }
modes: hide, reveal
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--ntfs-embed, -we
Embed files invisibly (Only works on NTFS file system)
--win-attribute, -wa
Change windows attributes to hide file
--embed, -e
--to-image, -i
Converts a file into a png image
--image-mode { 3, 4 }, -I { 3, 4 }
Sets output image mode. Valid values: 3:RGB, 4:ARGB
--source-file SOURCE, -s SOURCE
Sets the path of SOURCE file
--cover-file COVER, -c COVER
Sets the path of COVER file
Sets the path of DESTINATION file
--delete-source, -D
Deletes source file
--compress, -C
--encrypt-aes, -aes
Enables AES encryption - Asks for an ENCRYPTION_PASSword
--encrypt-aes-pass AES_ENCRYPTION_PASS, -aes-pass AES_ENCRYPTION_PASS
Enables AES encryption - Needs an ENCRYPTION_PASSword
Enables RSA encryption - Needs a path to a RSA private/public key
--rsa-key-passphrase RSA_KEY_PASS, -rsa-pass RSA_KEY_PASS
A passphrase to decrypt the input RSA private key.
--verbose, -v
Verbose mode
--quiet, -q
Quiet mode
Encryption for auto generated names
- Embed
# Embeds the source file and the cover file into the destination file.
InvisibleCharm hide --embed --source-file SOURCEFILEPATH -c COVERFILEPATH.PNG -d HIDDENFILEPATH.PNG
# Extracts hidden data from the source file and write it into the destination file
InvisibleCharm reveal -e -s HIDDENFILEPATH.PNG --dest-file EXTRACTEDFILEPATH
- Convert to Image
# Reads the source file and encrypts its data using 2121 password and convert the data into a PNG image and save it in the destination path
python -m InvisibleCharm h --to-image -s SOURCEFILEPATH -d HIDDENFILEPATH.png --encrypt 2121
# Reads the PNG image and extract the hidden data and decrypt it using 2121 password and write it into the destination path
python -m InvisibleCharm r -i -s HIDDENFILEPATH.png -d DESTINATIONPATH -E 2121 -v
- Windows Embed
InvisibleCharm hide --win-embed -s SOURCEFILEPATH --cover-file COVERFILEPATH.png -d HIDDENFILEPATH --compress -v
InvisibleCharm reveal -we -s HIDDENFILEPATH -d DESTINATIONPATH -C
- Windows Attribute Change
InvisibleCharm h --win-attribute -s SOURCEFILEPATH
InvisibleCharm r -wa -s SOURCEFILEPATH
Author: CodeWriter21 (Mehrad Pooryoussof)
GitHub: MPCodeWriter21
Telegram Channel: @CodeWriter21
Aparat Channel: CodeWriter21
If you like this project, please donate to me 8D!