Welcome to the Philosophy Web Scraper project! This repository contains Python scripts and resources for efficiently scraping data about various philosophers and their philosophies from Wikipedia.
- source.py: for page source extraction
- Extraction.ipynb & site_extraction.ipynb: for extraction of text from page source.
- site_scraper/: A Scrapy project folder for organized web scraping.
Beautiful Soup:
- Parsed HTML files to extract relevant paragraph information.
- Utilized the
module for direct scraping from the Wikipedia website.
- Employed for structured scraping of additional philosopher data, including images and captions.
- To run the Scrapy crawler, navigate to the site_scraper folder, then proceed to the spiders directory.
- Execute the desired crawler with the following command:
scrapy crawl <crawler_name> -o output.json
- Note: The name of the crawler can be found in the corresponding file. You can output the data in various formats such as JSON, CSV, etc.
Make sure you have the following Python packages installed in your system:
You can install these packages using pip:
pip install beautifulsoup4 requests lxml scrapy