- 17 Buddies
- ClavusElite’s Website Crawl (2008)
- Evolution of Zombie Survival YouTube (2006 - 2008)
- Free Steam (2012 - 2015)
- GameBanana
- Garrysmod.org ZS Tag Crawl (2007-2009)
- Garry’s Mod 10 Zombie Survival FacePunch Studios Thread Crawl (2007 / Page 1)
- Garry’s Mod 10 Zombie Survival FacePunch Studios Thread Crawls (2007 / Pages 1-20)
- Garry’s Mod 10 Zombie Survival FacePunch Studios Thread Crawls (2007-2008 / Pages 33-48)
- NoXiousNet JetBoom Interview (2011) BONUS
- Mr. Green Gaming FastDL
- Mr. Green Gaming Forums Crawl (2007-2008)
- Mr. Green Gaming Forums
- NFO Servers
- NoXious Tapatalk
- NoXiousNet FastDL Crawl (2008)
- NoXiousNet FastDL Crawl (2016)
- Slide 'n' Shine FastDL
- /Counter-Strike - Source/* - CS:S maps/content hosted on ZS.
- /Garry's Mod 12/* - made way after the classic era.
- maps/* - the maps itself.
- maps/(Map Name)/* - maps with revisions or preserved in original packaging.
- maps_vmf/* - sources of the legendary works.
- other_2009-/* - work dated after 2008.
- readmes/* - original map descriptions.
- screenshots/* - ZS images that came with maps.