SpotiMe is a react web app that uses the Spotify API and Machine Learning Emotion detection to recommend music based on emotions and music taste. Once the user logs in with their spotify account, the website shows the summary of the user's music breakdown. The user can click the button "Play" to initiate a camera to capture the user's face (through front camera/webcam) which is analyzed by our ML model to detect the user's emotion. Based on the emotion detected, the user will receive a customized playlist by SpotiME!
- Shows breakdown & summary of the user's spotify account
- Recommends a playlist based on the user's current emotion and prefered genres.
Test it Out!
- Git
- Discord chat / voice call
To design the website, we used:
- Figma
To build the website, we used:
- React
- Flask
- Spotify API
- ML Emotion Detection Library FER
We deployed our website using:
- Duck DNS
- Nginx
We tested and monitored it with:
- Github Actions
- cAdvisor
- Prometheus
- Grafana
We set up our database using:
- mongoDB
Cool repo visualization jus for fun:
- Our ML module was hard to deploy. We failed to deploy it on Haroku and ended up migrating it on AWS.
- Another issue we kept facing an Nginx and CORS error.
- Miscellaneous errors such as a bug 403 Forbidden page or connection issue, as well as a process such as integrating all frontend and backend was challenging but we were able to
- We are proud of our overall project. However, we are specifically proud of successfully athenticaing Spotify API, connecting the ML module with the captured photo to detect the emotion, clean and user friendly UI, being able to tackle challenging issues that arised during the deployment. The team had excellent communication skills and collaboration to successfully accomplishing the project! In addition, we are very proud that what we've built hasn't commonly done before - that we are one of the pioneers of the new way of song recommendation.
The Spotify Authentication Service works like this (obtained from the official documentation):
- Go to the Spotify API console and login with a Spotify account.
- Create a new application. You'll see you Client_id and Client_secret credentials, will need them later.
- Go to the app settings and add you Redirect URIs' and save it.
- Create a .env file in the frontend directory and add the following with your corresponding credentials:
The Redirect Uri needs to match any of the ones in your Spotify API dashboard app.
When the user logs in in our app, they will be sent to the auccounts authorization url of spotify so they can grant access to our app to see their info. We ask for them the following scopes:
- "user-top-read"
- "user-read-email"
- "user-read-private"
- "user-library-read"
- "user-library-modify"
- "user-read-currently-playing"
- "user-read-playback-state"
- "playlist-read-private"
- "playlist-modify-public"
- "playlist-modify-private"
- "user-modify-playback-state"
Since we are using the development mode of the Spotify API you'll need to add the users' email you want to authorize to your app on the dashboard of Spotify API.
Once the user grants access Spotify redirects to the Redirect URI we passed giving a code in the params
- There is a function in the useEffect of
that takes care of grabbing that code - We have and endpoint in our backend that changes that code for and
and arefresh_token
- The ``access_token``` is needed to authenticate in all requests we make to the API.
The Spotify API Endpoint we query to are the following:
- Spotify Authorization endpoint
- Get user's info
- Top playlists
- Top artists
- Top tracks
- Get a Playlist tracks
- Follow a playlist
- Get user's available devices
- Player API
We use on the backend the Spotipy library to handle getting playlists from spotify. We use the function search()
and pass as first param the emotion and genre as {emotion: genre}
and as second param the search type we want which is a playlist search_type="playlist
. This return an array of playlists and we just pick first option we get since is the more adequate of the search.
- First we query the get user's available devices to look for an available device.
- The user needs to have a Spotify app open in any of their devices
- Once we get the
of one we make a PUT request to the player API passing as parameter this device.
- Put Request to follow a playlist endpoint with the
of the playlist we want.