Update readme and add license and citation #448
2 errors, 1 warning, and 3 notices
Coverage comment
Cannot read .coverage files because files are absolute. You need to configure coverage to write relative paths by adding the following option to your coverage configuration file:
relative_files = true
Note that the specific format can be slightly different if you're using setup.cfg or pyproject.toml. See details in: https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#config-run-relative-files
Coverage comment
Critical error. This error possibly occurred because the permissions of the workflow are set incorrectly. You can see the correct setting of permissions here: https://github.com/py-cov-action/python-coverage-comment-action#basic-usage
Otherwise please look for open issues or open one in https://github.com/py-cov-action/python-coverage-comment-action/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workdir/coverage_comment/subprocess.py", line 22, in run
return subprocess.run(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 571, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '('coverage', 'json', '-o', '-')' returned non-zero exit status 1.
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workdir/coverage_comment/main.py", line 44, in main
exit_code = action(
File "/workdir/coverage_comment/main.py", line 96, in action
return process_pr(
File "/workdir/coverage_comment/main.py", line 127, in process_pr
_, coverage = coverage_module.get_coverage_info(
File "/workdir/coverage_comment/coverage.py", line 109, in get_coverage_info
subprocess.run("coverage", "json", "-o", "-", path=coverage_path)
File "/workdir/coverage_comment/subprocess.py", line 36, in run
raise SubProcessError("\n".join([exc.stderr, exc.stdout])) from exc
No source for code: '/home/runner/work/ml4gw/ml4gw/ml4gw/__init__.py'.
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/10636
Coverage comment
Starting action
Coverage comment
HTTP Request: GET https://api.github.com/repos/ML4GW/ml4gw "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
Coverage comment
Generating comment for PR