Just a bunch of powerful robotic resources and tools for professional development in C++ or Python with a touch of ROS, autonomous driving and aerospace.
To stop reinventing the wheel you need to know about the wheel.
- Communication and Coordination
- Documentation and Presentation
- Requirements and Safety
- Architecture and Design
- Frameworks and Stacks
- Development Environment
- Simulation
- Electronics and Mechanics
- Sensor Processing
- Prediction
- Behavior and Decision
- Planning and Control
- User Interaction
- Operation System
- Datasets
- Agile Development - Manifesto for Agile Software Development
- Gitflow - Makes parallel development very easy, by isolating new development from finished work
- DeepL - an online translator that outperforms Google, Microsoft and Facebook
- Taiga - Agile Projectmanagment Tool
- Kanboard - Minimalistic Kanban Board
- kanban - Free, open source, self-hosted, Kanban board for GitLab issues
- Gitlab - Simple Selfhosted Gitlab Server with Docker
- Gogs - build a simple, stable and extensible self-hosted Git service that can be setup in the most painless way
- Wekan - Meteor based Kanban Board
- JIRA API - Python Library for REST API of Jira
- Taiga API - Python Library for REST API of Taiga
- Chronos-Timetracker - Desktop client for JIRA. Track time, upload worklogs without a hassle
- Grge - Grge is a daemon and command line utility augmenting GitLab
- gitlab-triage - GitLab's issues and merge requests triage, automated!
- Helpy - is a modern, open source helpdesk customer support application
- ONLYOFFICE - is a free open source collaborative system developed to manage documents, projects, customer relationship and email correspondence, all in one place.
- discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple
- Gerrit - is a code review and project management tool for Git based projects
- jitsi-meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application
- mattermost - is an open source, private cloud, Slack-alternative
- openproject - is the leading open source project management software
- leantime - Leantime is a lean project management system for innovators
- gitter - Gitter is a chat and networking platform that helps to manage, grow and connect communities through messaging, content and discovery.
- Typora - A Minimalist Markdown Editor
- Markor - A Simple Markdown Editor for your Android Device
- Pandoc - Universal markup converter
- Yaspeller - Command line tool for spell checking
- ReadtheDocs - Build your local ReadtheDocs Server
- Doxygen - Doxygen is the de facto standard tool for generating documentation from annotated C++ sources
- Sphinx - is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation for Python projects
- Word-to-Markdown - A ruby gem to liberate content from Microsoft Word document
- paperless - Index and archive all of your scanned paper documents
- carbon - Share beautiful images of your source code
- undraw - Free Professional business SVGs easy to customize
- asciinema - lets you easily record terminal sessions and replay them in a terminal as well as in a web browser.
- inkscape - Inkscape is a professional vector graphics editor for Linux, Windows and macOS
- Reveal-Hugo - A Hugo theme for Reveal.js that makes authoring and customization a breeze. With it, you can turn any properly-formatted Hugo content into a HTML presentation.
- Hugo-Webslides - This is a Hugo template to create WebSlides presentation using markdown.
- jupyter2slides - Cloud Native Presentation Slides with Jupyter Notebook + Reveal.js
- patat - Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
- github-changelog-generator - Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
- GitLab-Release-Note-Generator - A Gitlab release note generator that generates release note on latest tag
- OCRmyPDF - adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
- papermill - is a tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter Notebooks.
- docsy - An example documentation site using the Docsy Hugo theme
- actions-hugo - Deploy website based on Hugo to Github Pages
- overleaf - An open-source online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor
- landslide - Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile
- libreoffice-impress-templates - Freely-licensed LibreOffice Impress templates
- opensourcedesign - Community and Resources for Free Design and Logo Creation
- olive - is a free non-linear video editor aiming to provide a fully-featured alternative to high-end professional video editing software
- buku - Browser-independent bookmark manager
- swiftlatex - a WYSIWYG Browser-based LaTeX Editor
- ReLaXed - allows complex PDF layouts to be defined with CSS and JavaScript, while writing the content in a friendly, minimal syntax close to Markdown or LaTeX.
- foam - Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub.
- CodiMD - Open Source Online Real-time collaborate on team documentation in markdown
- jupyter-book - Build interactive, publication-quality documents from Jupyter Notebooks
- InvoiceNet - Deep neural network to extract intelligent information from invoice documents
- tesseract - Open Source OCR Engine
- awesome-safety-critical - List of resources about programming practices for writing safety-critical software.
- open-autonomous-safety - OAS is a fully open-source library of Voyage’s safety processes and testing procedures, designed to supplement existing safety programs at self-driving car startups across the world.
- CarND-Functional-Safety-Project - Create functional safety documents in this Udacity project
- Automated Valet Parking Safety Documents - created to support the safe testing of the Automated Valet Parking function using the StreetDrone test vehicle in a car park.
- safe_numerics - Replacements to standard numeric types which throw exceptions on errors
- Air Vehicle C++ development coding standards - Provide direction and guidance to C++ programmers that will enable them to employ good programming style and proven programming practices leading to safe, reliable, testable, and maintainable code
- AUTOSAR Coding Standard - Guidelines for the use of the C++14 language in critical and safety-related system
- The W-Model and Lean Scaled Agility for Engineering - Ford applied an agile V-Model method from Vector that can be used in safety related project management
- doorstop - Requirements management using version control
- capella - Comprehensive, extensible and field-proven MBSE tool and method to successfully design systems architecture
- robmosys - RobMoSys envisions an integrated approach built on top of the current code-centric robotic platforms, by applying model-driven methods and tools
- Papyrus for Robotics - is graphical editing tool for robotic applications that complies with the RobMoSys approach
- fossology - a toolkit you can run license, copyright and export control scans from the command line
- ScenarioArchitect - The Scenario Architect is a basic python tool to generate, import and export short scene snapshots
- Guidelines - on how to architect ROS-based systems
- yed - yEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams
- yed_py - Generates graphML that can be opened in yEd
- Plantuml - Web application to generate UML diagrams on-the-fly in your live documentation
- rqt_graph - rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph
- rqt_launchtree - An RQT plugin for hierarchical launchfile configuration introspection.
- cpp-dependencies - Tool to check C++ #include dependencies (dependency graphs created in .dot format)
- pydeps - Python Module Dependency graphs
- aztarna - a footprinting tool for robots.
- draw.io - is free online diagram software for making flowcharts, process diagrams, org charts, UML, ER and network diagrams
- vscode-drawio - This extension integrates Draw.io into VS Code
- ROS - (Robot Operating System) provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications
- awesome-ros2 - A curated list of awesome Robot Operating System Version 2.0 (ROS 2) resources and libraries.
- Autoware.Auto - Autoware.Auto applies best-in-class software engineering for autonomous driving
- Autoware.ai - Autoware.AI is the world's first "All-in-One" open-source software for autonomous driving technology
- OpenPilot - Open Source Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS)
- Apollo - High performance, flexible architecture which accelerates the development, testing, and deployment of Autonomous Vehicles.
- PythonRobotics - This is a Python code collection of robotics algorithms, especially for autonomous navigation.
- Stanford Self Driving Car Code - Stanford Code From Cars That Entered DARPA Grand Challenges
- astrobee - Astrobee is a free-flying robot designed to operate as a payload inside the International Space Station (ISS).
- CARMAPlatform - enables cooperative automated driving plug-in
- Automotive Grade Linux - Automotive Grade Linux is a collaborative open source project that is bringing together automakers, suppliers and technology companies to accelerate the development and adoption of a fully open software stack for the connected car
- PX4 - is an open source flight control software for drones and other unmanned vehicles
- KubOS - is an open-source software stack for satellites.
- mod_vehicle_dynamics_control - TUM Roborace Team Software Stack - Path tracking control, velocity control, curvature control and state estimation.
- Aslan - Open source self-driving software for low speed environments
- open-source-rover - A build-it-yourself, 6-wheel rover based on the rovers on Mars from JPL
- pybotics - An open-source and peer-reviewed Python toolbox for robot kinematics and calibration
- makani - contains the working Makani flight simulator, controller (autopilot), visualizer, and command center flight monitoring tools
- mir_robot - This is a community project to use the MiR Robots with ROS
- Vim-ros - Vim plugin for ROS development
- Visual Studio Code - Code editor for edit-build-debug cycle.
- atom - Hackable text editor for the 21st century
- Teletype - Share your workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time in Atom
- Sublime - A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
- ade-cli - The ADE Development Environment (ADE) uses docker and Gitlab to manage environments of per project development tools and optional volume images
- recipe-wizard - A Dockerfile generator for running OpenGL (GLX) applications with nvidia-docker2, CUDA, ROS, and Gazebo on a remote headless server system
- Jupyter ROS - Jupyter widget helpers for ROS, the Robot Operating System
- ros_rqt_plugin - The ROS Qt Creator Plug-in for Python
- xeus-cling - Jupyter kernel for the C++ programming language
- ROS IDEs - This page collects experience and advice on using integrated development environments (IDEs) with ROS.
- TabNine - The all-language autocompleter
- kite - Use machine learning to give you useful code completions for Python
- jedi - Autocompletion and static analysis library for python
- roslibpy - Python ROS Bridge library allows to use Python and IronPython to interact with ROS, the open-source robotic middleware.
- pybind11 - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
- Sourcetrail - free and open-source cross-platform source explorer
- rebound - Command-line tool that instantly fetches Stack Overflow results when an exception is thrown
- mybinder - open notebooks in an executable environment, making your code immediately reproducible by anyone, anywhere.
- ROSOnWindows - an experimental release of ROS1 for Windows
- live-share - Real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools
- cocalc - Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud
- EasyClangComplete - Robust C/C++ code completion for Sublime Text 3
- vscode-ros - Visual Studio Code extension for Robot Operating System (ROS) development
- awesome-hpp - A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries
- ROS - Template for ROS node standardization in C++
- Launch - Templates on how to create launch files for larger projects
- Bash - A bash scripting template incorporating best practices & several useful functions
- URDF - Examples on how to create Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) for different kinds of robots
- Python - Style guide to be followed in writing Python code for ROS
- Docker - The Dockerfile in the minimal-ade project shows a minimal example of how to create a custom base image
- VS Code ROS2 Workspace Template - Template for using VSCode as an IDE for ROS2 development.
- qemu-user-static - is to enable an execution of different multi-architecture containers by QEMU and binfmt_misc
- Cross compile ROS 2 on QNX - introduces how to cross compile ROS 2 on QNX
- bloom - A release automation tool which makes releasing catkin packages easier
- superflore - An extended platform release manager for Robot Operating System
- catkin_tools - Command line tools for working with catkin
- industrial_ci - Easy continuous integration repository for ROS repositories
- ros_gitlab_ci - contains helper scripts and instructions on how to use Continuous Integration (CI) for ROS projects hosted on a GitLab instance.
- gitlab-runner - runs tests and sends the results to GitLab
- colcon-core - command line tool to improve the workflow of building, testing and using multiple software packages
- gitlab-release - Simple python3 script to upload files (from ci) to the current projects release (tag)
- clang - This is a compiler front-end for the C family of languages (C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++) which is built as part of the LLVM compiler infrastructure project
- catkin_virtualenv - Bundle python requirements in a catkin package via virtualenv
- pyenv - Simple Python version management
- aptly - Debian repository management tool
- cross_compile - Assets used for ROS2 cross-compilation
- docker_images - Official Docker images maintained by OSRF on ROS(2) and Gazebo
- robot_upstart - presents a suite of scripts to assist with launching background ROS processes on Ubuntu Linux PCs
- robot_systemd - units for managing startup and shutdown of roscore and roslaunch
- ryo-iso - is a modern ISO builder that streamlines the process of deploying a complete robot operating system from a yaml config file
- network_autoconfig - automatic configuration of ROS networking for most use cases without impacting usage that require manual configuration.
- rosbuild - The ROS build farm
- cros - A single thread pure C implementation of the ROS framework
- setup-ros - This action sets up a ROS and ROS 2 environment for use in Github actions
- UnitTesting - This page lays out the rationale, best practices, and policies for writing and running unit tests and integration tests for ROS.
- googletest - Google's C++ test framework
- pytest - The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
- doctest - The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework for unit tests and TDD
- osrf_testing_tools_cpp - contains testing tools for C++, and is used in OSRF projects.
- code_coverage - ROS package to run coverage testing
- action-ros-lint - Github action to run linters on ROS 2 packages
- cppcheck - Static analysis of C/C++ code
- hadolint - Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell
- shellcheck - a static analysis tool for shell scripts
- catkin_lint - catkin_lint checks package configurations for the catkin build system of ROS.
- pylint - Pylint is a Python static code analysis tool which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard, sniffs for code smells and offers simple refactoring suggestions.
- black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
- pydocstyle - pydocstyle is a static analysis tool for checking compliance with Python docstring conventions
- haros - H(igh) A(ssurance) ROS - Static analysis of ROS application code.
- pydantic - Data parsing and validation using Python type hints
- heaptrack - traces all memory allocations and annotates these events with stack traces
- ros2_tracing - Tracing tools for ROS 2.
- Linuxperf - Various Linux performance material
- lptrace - It lets you see in real-time what functions a Python program is running
- pyre-check - Performant type-checking for python
- FlameGraph - Visualize profiled code
- gpuvis - GPU Trace Visualizer
- sanitizer - AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, MemorySanitizer
- cppinsights - C++ Insights - See your source code with the eyes of a compiler
- inspect - The inspect module provides functions for learning about live objects, including modules, classes, instances, functions, and methods
- Roslaunch Nodes in Valgrind or GDB - When debugging roscpp nodes that you are launching with roslaunch, you may wish to launch the node in a debugging program like gdb or valgrind instead.
- pyperformance - Python Performance Benchmark Suite
- qira - QIRA is a competitor to strace and gdb
- gdb-frontend - GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger.
- lttng - is an open source software toolkit which you can use to simultaneously trace the Linux kernel, user applications, and user libraries.
- ros2-performance - allows to easily create arbitrary ROS2 systems and then measures their performance
- bcc - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
- tracy - A real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry frame profiler for games and other applications.
- bpftrace - High-level tracing language for Linux eBPF
- pudb - Full-screen console debugger for Python
- backward-cpp - A beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++
- gdb-dashboard - GDB dashboard is a standalone .gdbinit file written using the Python API that enables a modular interface showing relevant information about the program being debugged.
- hotspot - The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis.
- memory_profiler - a python module for monitoring memory consumption of a process as well as line-by-line analysis of memory consumption for python programs.
- ros1_fuzzer - This fuzzer aims to help developers and researchers to find bugs and vulnerabilities in ROS nodes by performing fuzz tests over topics that the target nodes process.
- vscode-debug-visualizer - An extension for VS Code that visualizes data during debugging.
- action-tmate - Debug your GitHub Actions via SSH by using tmate to get access to the runner system itself.
- git-fuzzy - A CLI interface to git that relies heavily on fzf
- meld - Meld is a visual diff and merge tool that helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects
- tig - Text-mode interface for git
- gitg - is a graphical user interface for git
- git-cola - The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- python-gitlab - is a Python package providing access to the GitLab server API.
- bfg-repo-cleaner - Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does, but faster.
- nbdime - Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.
- semantic-release - Fully automated version management and package publishing
- go-semrel-gitab - Automate version management for Gitlab
- Git-repo - Git-Repo helps manage many Git repositories, does the uploads to revision control systems, and automates parts of the development workflow
- dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
- dvc - Management and versioning of datasets and machine learning models
- learnGitBranching - is a git repository visualizer, sandbox, and a series of educational tutorials and challenges
- gitfs - You can mount a remote repository's branch locally, and any subsequent changes made to the files will be automatically committed to the remote.
- git-secret - encrypts files with permitted users' public keys, allowing users you trust to access encrypted data using pgp and their secret keys
- git-sweep - A command-line tool that helps you clean up Git branches that have been merged into master.
- lazygit - A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library.
- glab - An open-source GitLab command line tool
- Drake - Drake aims to simulate even very complex dynamics of robots
- Webots - Webots is an open source robot simulator compatible (among others) with ROS and ROS2.
- lgsv - LG Electronics America R&D Center has developed an HDRP Unity-based multi-robot simulator for autonomous vehicle developers.
- carla - Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research
- awesome-CARLA - A curated list of awesome CARLA tutorials, blogs, and related projects.
- ros-bridge - ROS bridge for CARLA Simulator
- scenario_runner - Traffic scenario definition and execution engine
- deepdive - End-to-end simulation for self-driving cars
- uuv_simulator - Gazebo/ROS packages for underwater robotics simulation
- AirSim - Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine
- self-driving-car-sim - A self-driving car simulator built with Unity
- ROSIntegration - Unreal Engine Plugin to enable ROS Support
- gym-gazebo - An OpenAI gym extension for using Gazebo known as gym-gazebo
- highway-env - A collection of environments for autonomous driving and tactical decision-making tasks
- VREP Interface - ROS Bridge for the VREP simulator
- car_demo - This is a simulation of a Prius in gazebo 9 with sensor data being published using ROS kinetic.
- sumo - Eclipse SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous road traffic simulation package designed to handle large road networks
- open-simulation-interface - A generic interface for the environmental perception of automated driving functions in virtual scenarios.
- ESIM - an Open Event Camera Simulator
- Menge - Crowd Simulation Framework
- pedsim_ros - Pedestrian simulator powered by the social force model for Gazebo
- opencrg - open file formats and open source tools for the detailed description, creation and evaluation of road surfaces
- esmini - is a basic OpenSCENARIO player
- OpenSceneGraph - is an open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit, used by application developers in fields such as visual simulation, games, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modelling
- morse - is an academic robotic simulator, based on the Blender Game Engine and the Bullet Physics engine.
- ROSIntegrationVision - Support for ROS-enabled RGBD data acquisition in Unreal Engine Projects
- fetch_gazebo - contains the Gazebo simulation for Fetch Robotics Fetch and Freight Research Edition Robots.
- rotors_simulator - provides some multirotor models
- flow - is a computational framework for deep RL and control experiments for traffic microsimulation.
- gnss-ins-sim - GNSS + inertial navigation, sensor fusion simulator. Motion trajectory generator, sensor models, and navigation
- Ignition Robotics - Test control strategies in safety, and take advantage of simulation in continuous integration tests.
- simulation assets for the SubT - This collection contains simulation assets for the SubT Challenge Virtual Competition in Gazebo
- gazebo_ros_motors - contains currently two motor plugins for Gazebo, one with an ideal speed controller and one without a controller that models a DC motor
- map2gazebo - ROS package for creating Gazebo environments from 2D maps
- sim_vehicle_dynamics - Vehicle Dynamics Simulation Software of TUM Roborace Team
- gym-carla - An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator
- simbody - High-performance C++ multibody dynamics/physics library for simulating articulated biomechanical and mechanical systems like vehicles, robots, and the human skeleton.
- gazebo_models - This repository holds the Gazebo model database.
- pylot - Autonomous driving platform running on the CARLA simulator
- flightmare - Flightmare is composed of two main components: a configurable rendering engine built on Unity and a flexible physics engine for dynamics simulation
- champ - ROS Packages for CHAMP Quadruped Controller
- rex-gym - OpenAI Gym environments for an open-source quadruped robot (SpotMicro)
- Trick - developed at the NASA Johnson Space Center, is a powerful simulation development framework that enables users to build applications for all phases of space vehicle development
- usv_sim_lsa - Unmanned Surface Vehicle simulation on Gazebo with water current and winds
- 42 - Simulation for spacecraft attitude control system analysis and design
- HRIM - An information model for robot hardware
- URDF - Repository for Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) parsing code
- phobos - An add-on for Blender allowing to create URDF, SDF and SMURF robot models in a WYSIWYG environment.
- urdf-viz - Visualize URDF/XACRO file, URDF Viewer works on Windows/MacOS/Linux
- solidworks_urdf_exporter - SolidWorks to URDF Exporter
- FreeCAD - Your own 3D parametric modeler
- kicad - A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite
- PcbDraw - Convert your KiCAD board into a nice looking 2D drawing suitable for pinout diagrams
- kicad-3rd-party-tools - Tools made by others to augment the KiCad PCB EDA suite.
- PandaPower - An easy to use open source tool for power system modeling, analysis and optimization with a high degree of automation.
- LibrePCB - A powerful, innovative and intuitive EDA tool for everyone
- openscad - is software for creating solid 3D CAD models
- ngspice - is the open source spice simulator for electric and electronic circuits.
- GNSS-SDR - GNSS-SDR provides interfaces for a wide range of radio frequency front-ends and raw sample file formats, generates processing outputs in standard formats
- riscv - The Free and Open RISC Instruction Set Architecture
- urdfpy - is a simple and easy-to-use library for loading, manipulating, saving, and visualizing URDF files.
- FMPy - Simulate Functional Mockup Units (FMUs) in Python
- FMIKit-Simulink - Import and export Functional Mock-up Units with Simulink
- oemof-solph - A modular open source framework to model energy supply systems
- NASA-3D-Resources - Here you'll find a growing collection of 3D models, textures, and images from inside NASA.
- SUAVE - An Aircraft Design Toolbox
- opem - The Open-Source PEMFC Simulation Tool (OPEM) is a modeling tool for evaluating the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells
- pvlib-python - is a community supported tool that provides a set of functions and classes for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems
- WireViz - is a tool for easily documenting cables, wiring harnesses and connector pinouts.
- Horizon - EDA is an Electronic Design Automation package supporting an integrated end-to-end workflow for printed circuit board design including parts management and schematic entry.
- tigl - The TiGL Geometry Library can be used for the computation and processing of aircraft geometries stored inside CPACS files
- foxBMS - is a free, open and flexible development environment to design battery management systems
- cadCAD - is a Python package that assists in the processes of designing, testing and validating complex systems through simulation, with support for Monte Carlo methods, A/B testing and parameter sweeping.
- OpenMDAO - An open-source framework for efficient multidisciplinary optimization.
- SUAVE - purpose is to credibly produce conceptual-level design conclusions for future aircraft incorporating advanced technologies.
- ODrive - aim is to make it possible to use inexpensive brushless motors in high performance robotics projects
- tf2 - transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time
- lidar_align - A simple method for finding the extrinsic calibration between a 3D lidar and a 6-dof pose sensor
- kalibr - The Kalibr visual-inertial calibration toolbox
- Calibnet - Self-Supervised Extrinsic Calibration using 3D Spatial Transformer Networks
- lidar_camera_calibration - ROS package to find a rigid-body transformation between a LiDAR and a camera
- ILCC - Reflectance Intensity Assisted Automatic and Accurate Extrinsic Calibration of 3D LiDAR
- easy_handeye - Simple, straighforward ROS library for hand-eye calibration
- imu_utils - A ROS package tool to analyze the IMU performance
- kalibr_allan - IMU Allan standard deviation charts for use with Kalibr and inertial kalman filters
- pyquaternion - is a full-featured Python module for representing and using quaternions
- robot_calibration - This package offers calibration of a number of parameters of a robot, such as: 3D Camera intrinsics, extrinsics Joint angle offsets and robot frame offsets
- multi_sensor_calibration - contains a calibration tool to calibrate a sensor setup consisting of lidars, radars and cameras
- LiDARTag - A Real-Time Fiducial Tag using Point Clouds Lidar Data
- multicam_calibration - extrinsic and intrinsic calbration of cameras
- ikpy - An Inverse Kinematics library aiming performance and modularity
- livox_camera_lidar_calibration - Calibrate the extrinsic parameters between Livox LiDAR and camera
- lidar_camera_calibration - Camera LiDAR Calibration using ROS, OpenCV, and PCL
- SARosPerceptionKitti - ROS package for the Perception (Sensor Processing, Detection, Tracking and Evaluation) of the KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
- multiple-object-tracking-lidar - C++ implementation to Detect, track and classify multiple objects using LIDAR scans or point cloud
- cadrl_ros - ROS package for dynamic obstacle avoidance for ground robots trained with deep RL
- AugmentedAutoencoder - RGB-based pipeline for object detection and 6D pose estimation
- jsk_recognition - is a stack for the perception packages which are used in JSK lab.
- GibsonEnv - Gibson Environments: Real-World Perception for Embodied Agents
- morefusion - Multi-object Reasoning for 6D Pose Estimation from Volumetric Fusion
- DLIB - A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++
- fastai - The fastai library simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices.
- tpot - A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming
- deap - Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python
- gym - A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
- tensorflow_ros_cpp - A ROS package that allows to do Tensorflow inference in C++ without the need to compile TF yourself.
- Tensorflow Federated - TensorFlow Federated (TFF) is an open-source framework for machine learning and other computations on decentralized data
- finn - Fast, Scalable Quantized Neural Network Inference on FPGAs
- neuropod - Neuropod is a library that provides a uniform interface to run deep learning models from multiple frameworks in C++ and Python
- leela-zero - This is a fairly faithful reimplementation of the system described in the Alpha Go Zero paper "Mastering the Game of Go without Human Knowledge"
- trax - Trax is a library for deep learning that focuses on sequence models and reinforcement learning
- mlflow - is a platform to streamline machine learning development, including tracking experiments, packaging code into reproducible runs, and sharing and deploying models
- Netron - Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models
- MNN - MNN is a blazing fast, lightweight deep learning framework, battle-tested by business-critical use cases in Alibaba
- tensorforce - Tensorforce is an open-source deep reinforcement learning framework, with an emphasis on modularized flexible library design and straightforward usability for applications in research and practice
- dopamine - Dopamine is a research framework for fast prototyping of reinforcement learning algorithms.
- catalyst - was developed with a focus on reproducibility, fast experimentation and code/ideas reusing
- ray - A fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications
- tf-agents - A reliable, scalable and easy to use TensorFlow library for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning.
- ReAgent - is an open source end-to-end platform for applied reinforcement learning (RL) developed and used at Facebook.
- [Awesome-Mobile-Machine-Learning](https://github.com/fritzlabs/Awesome-Mobile-Machine-Learning - A curated list of awesome mobile machine learning resources for iOS, Android, and edge devices.
- cnn-explainer - Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization.
- dask - Parallel computing with task scheduling for Python
- cupy - NumPy-like API accelerated with CUDA
- thrust - Thrust is a C++ parallel programming library which resembles the C++ Standard Library.
- ArrayFire - ArrayFire: a general purpose GPU library.
- OpenMP - OpenMP is an application programming interface that supports multi-platform shared memory multiprocessing programming in C, C++, and Fortra
- vexcl - VexCL is a C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA/OpenMP
- PYNQ - is an open-source project from Xilinx that makes it easy to design embedded systems with Zynq All Programmable Systems on Chips
- numba - NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
- TensorRT - TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning accelerators
- libcudacxx - provides a heterogeneous implementation of the C++ Standard Library that can be used in and between CPU and GPU code.
- CV-pretrained-model - A collection of computer vision pre-trained models
- image_pipeline - fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing
- gstreamer - is a pipeline-based multimedia framework that links together a wide variety of media processing systems to complete complex workflows
- ros2_openvino_toolkit - provides a ROS-adaptered runtime framework of neural network which quickly deploys applications and solutions for vision inference
- vision_visp - Wraps the ViSP moving edge tracker provided by the ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package
- apriltag_ros - A ROS wrapper of the AprilTag 3 visual fiducial detector
- deep_object_pose - Deep Object Pose Estimation
- DetectAndTrack - Detect-and-Track: Efficient Pose
- SfMLearner - An unsupervised learning framework for depth and ego-motion estimation
- imgaug - Image augmentation for machine learning experiments
- vision_opencv - Packages for interfacing ROS with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
- darknet_ros - YOLO ROS: Real-Time Object Detection for ROS
- ros_ncnn - YOLACT / YOLO ( among other things ) on NCNN inference engine for ROS
- tf-pose-estimation - Deep Pose Estimation implemented using Tensorflow with Custom Architectures for fast inference.
- find-object - Simple Qt interface to try OpenCV implementations of SIFT, SURF, FAST, BRIEF and other feature detectors and descriptors
- yolact - A simple, fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation.
- Kimera-Semantics - Real-Time 3D Semantic Reconstruction from 2D data
- detectron2 - is a next-generation research platform for object detection and segmentation.
- OpenVX - enables performance and power-optimized computer vision processing, especially important in embedded and real-time use cases
- 3d-vehicle-tracking - Official implementation of Joint Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection and Tracking
- pysot - The goal of PySOT is to provide a high-quality, high-performance codebase for visual tracking research
- semantic_slam - Real time semantic slam in ROS with a hand held RGB-D camera
- kitti_scan_unfolding - We propose KITTI scan unfolding in our paper Scan-based Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds: An Experimental Study.
- packnet-sfm - Official PyTorch implementation of self-supervised monocular depth estimation methods invented by the ML Team at Toyota Research Institute (TRI)
- AB3DMOT - This work proposes a simple yet accurate real-time baseline 3D multi-object tracking system
- lanenet-lane-detection - Unofficial implemention of lanenet model for real time lane detection using deep neural network model
- OpenDroneMap - An open source command line toolkit for processing aerial drone imagery
- monoloco - Official implementation of "MonoLoco: Monocular 3D Pedestrian Localization and Uncertainty Estimation" in PyTorch
- Poly-YOLO - builds on the original ideas of YOLOv3 and removes two of its weaknesses: a large amount of rewritten labels and inefficient distribution of anchors
- satellite-image-deep-learning - Resources for deep learning with satellite & aerial imagery
- robosat - Semantic segmentation on aerial and satellite imagery
- big_transfer - Model for General Visual Representation Learning created by Google Research
- LEDNet - A Lightweight Encoder-Decoder Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
- TorchSeg - This project aims at providing a fast, modular reference implementation for semantic segmentation models using PyTorch.
- simpledet - A Simple and Versatile Framework for Object Detection and Instance Recognition
- meshroom - Meshroom is a free, open-source 3D Reconstruction Software based on the AliceVision Photogrammetric Computer Vision framework.
- EasyOCR - Ready-to-use Optical character recognition (OCR) with 40+ languages supported including Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai
- pytracking - A general python framework for visual object tracking and video object segmentation, based on PyTorch.
- ros_deep_learning - Deep learning inference nodes for ROS with support for NVIDIA Jetson TX1/TX2/Xavier and TensorRT
- hyperpose - HyperPose: A Flexible Library for Real-time Human Pose Estimation
- fawkes - privacy preserving tool against facial recognition systems.
- anonymizer - An anonymizer to obfuscate faces and license plates.
- opendatacam - only saves surveyed meta-data, in particular the path an object moved or number of counted objects at a certain point.
- Cam2BEV - TensorFlow Implementation for Computing a Semantically Segmented Bird's Eye View (BEV) Image Given the Images of Multiple Vehicle-Mounted Cameras.
- ODM - A command line toolkit to generate maps, point clouds, 3D models and DEMs from drone, balloon or kite images.
- lanenet-lane-detection - Unofficial implemention of lanenet model for real time lane detection using deep neural network model
- satpy - Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
- flownet2-pytorch - Pytorch implementation of FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks
- Simd - C++ image processing and machine learning library with using of SIMD: SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, VMX(Altivec) and VSX(Power7), NEON for ARM.
- pyroSAR - Framework for large-scale SAR satellite data processing
- CameraRadarFusionNet - TUM Roborace Team Software Stack - Path tracking control, velocity control, curvature control and state estimation.
- cilantro - A lean C++ library for working with point cloud data
- open3d - Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
- SqueezeSeg - Implementation of SqueezeSeg, convolutional neural networks for LiDAR point clout segmentation
- point_cloud_io - ROS nodes to read and write point clouds from and to files (e.g. ply, vtk).
- python-pcl - Python bindings to the pointcloud library
- libpointmatcher - An "Iterative Closest Point" library for 2-D/3-D mapping in Robotics
- depth_clustering - Fast and robust clustering of point clouds generated with a Velodyne sensor.
- lidar-bonnetal - Semantic and Instance Segmentation of LiDAR point clouds for autonomous driving
- CSF - LiDAR point cloud ground filtering / segmentation (bare earth extraction) method based on cloth simulation
- robot_body_filter - A highly configurable LaserScan/PointCloud2 filter that allows to dynamically remove the 3D body of the robot from the measurements.
- grid_map - Universal grid map library for mobile robotic mapping
- elevation_mapping - Robot-centric elevation mapping for rough terrain navigation
- rangenet_lib - contains simple usage explanations of how the RangeNet++ inference works with the TensorRT and C++ interface.
- pointcloud_to_laserscan - Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan.
- octomap - An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
- pptk - Point Processing Toolkit from HEREMaps
- gpu-voxels - GPU-Voxels is a CUDA based library which allows high resolution volumetric collision detection between animated 3D models and live pointclouds from 3D sensors of all kinds.
- spatio_temporal_voxel_layer - A new voxel layer leveraging modern 3D graphics tools to modernize navigation environmental representations
- LAStools - award-winning software for efficient LiDAR processing
- PCDet - is a general PyTorch-based codebase for 3D object detection from point cloud.
- PDAL - is a C++ BSD library for translating and manipulating point cloud data
- PotreeConverter - Builds a potree octree from las, laz, binary ply, xyz or ptx files.
- fast_gicp - A collection of GICP-based fast point cloud registration algorithms
- ndt_omp - Multi-threaded and SSE friendly NDT algorithm
- spatio_temporal_voxel_layer - voxel layer leveraging modern 3D graphics tools to modernize navigation environmental representations
- laser_line_extraction - A ROS packages that extracts line segments from LaserScan messages.
- Go-ICP - Implementation of the Go-ICP algorithm for globally optimal 3D pointset registration
- PointCNN - is a simple and general framework for feature learning from point clouds
- segmenters_lib - The LiDAR segmenters library, for segmentation-based detection
- MotionNet - Joint Perception and Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving Based on Bird's Eye View Maps
- PolarSeg - An Improved Grid Representation for Online LiDAR Point Clouds Semantic Segmentation
- traversability_mapping - takes in point cloud from a Velodyne VLP-16 Lidar and outputs a traversability map for autonomous navigation in real-time
- lidar_super_resolution - Simulation-based Lidar Super-resolution for Ground Vehicles
- cupoch - Cupoch is a library that implements rapid 3D data processing and robotics computation using CUDA
- linefit_ground_segmentation - Implementation of the ground segmentation algorithm
- draco - Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds
- votenet - Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
- lidar_undistortion - provides lidar motion undistortion based on an external 6DoF pose estimation input.
- superpoint_graph - Large-scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Graphs
- RandLA-Net - Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds
- Det3D - Det3D is the first 3D Object Detection toolbox which provides off the box implementations of many 3D object detection algorithms such as PointPillars, SECOND, PIXOR
- OverlapNet - OverlapNet is modified Siamese Network that predicts the overlap and relative yaw angle of a pair of range images generated by 3D LiDAR scans
- mp2p_icp - A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
- OpenPCDet - OpenPCDet Toolbox for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection
- torch-points3d - Pytorch framework for doing deep learning on point clouds.
- PolyFit - Polygonal Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
- mmdetection3d - OpenMMLab's next-generation platform for general 3D object detection
- gpd - takes a point cloud as input and produces pose estimates of viable grasps as output
- SalsaNext - Uncertainty-aware Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds for Autonomous Driving
- Super-Fast-Accurate-3D-Object-Detection - Super Fast and Accurate 3D Object Detection based on 3D LiDAR Point Clouds (The PyTorch implementation)
- PointCNN - is a simple and general framework for feature learning from point cloud, which refreshed five benchmark records in point cloud processing
- evo - Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM
- robot_localization - is a package of nonlinear state estimation nodes
- fuse - General architecture for performing sensor fusion live on a robot.
- GeographicLib - A C++ library for geographic projections.
- ntripbrowser - A Python API for browsing NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol).
- imu_tools - IMU-related filters and visualizers.
- RTKLIB - A version of RTKLIB optimized for single and dual frequency low cost GPS receivers, especially u-blox receivers
- gLAB - performs precise modeling of GNSS observables (pseudorange and carrier phase) at the centimetre level, allowing standalone GPS positioning, PPP, SBAS and DGNSS
- ai-imu-dr - contains the code of our novel accurate method for dead reckoning of wheeled vehicles based only on an IMU
- Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python - Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook
- mcl_3dl - A ROS node to perform a probabilistic 3-D/6-DOF localization system for mobile robots with 3-D LIDAR(s)
- se2lam - On-SE(2) Localization and Mapping for Ground Vehicles by Fusing Odometry and Vision
- mmWave-localization-learning - ML-based positioning method from mmWave transmissions - with high accuracy and energy efficiency
- python-sgp4 - computes the position and velocity of an earth-orbiting satellite, given the satellite’s TLE orbital elements from a source like Celestrak.
- dynamic_robot_localization - is a ROS package that offers 3 DoF and 6 DoF localization using PCL and allows dynamic map update using OctoMap
- eagleye - is an open-source software for vehicle localization utilizing GNSS and IMU
- python-sgp4 - Python version of the SGP4 satellite position library
- PROJ - Cartographic Projections and Coordinate Transformations Library
- rpg_trajectory_evaluation - implements common used trajectory evaluation methods for visual(-inertial) odometry.
- pymap3d - pure-Python (Numpy optional) 3D coordinate conversions for geospace ecef enu eci
- loam_velodyne - Laser Odometry and Mapping (Loam) is a realtime method for state estimation and mapping using a 3D lidar.
- lio-mapping - Implementation of Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping (LIO-mapping)
- A-LOAM - Advanced implementation of LOAM
- floam - Fast LOAM: Fast and Optimized Lidar Odometry And Mapping
- LIO_SAM - Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping
- cartographer_ros - Provides ROS integration for Cartographer
- loam_livox - A robust LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) package for Livox-LiDAR
- StaticMapping - Use LiDAR to map the static world
- semantic_suma - Semantic Mapping using Surfel Mapping and Semantic Segmentation
- slam_toolbox - Slam Toolbox for lifelong mapping and localization in potentially massive maps with ROS
- maplab - An open visual-inertial mapping framework.
- hdl_graph_slam - is an open source ROS package for real-time 6DOF SLAM using a 3D LIDAR
- interactive_slam - In contrast to existing automatic SLAM packages, we with minimal human effort.
- LeGO-LOAM - Lightweight and Ground-Optimized Lidar Odometry and Mapping on Variable Terrain
- pyslam - contains a monocular Visual Odometry (VO) pipeline in Python
- Kitware SLAM - LiDAR-only visual SLAM developped by Kitware, as well as ROS and ParaView wrappings for easier use.
- horizon_highway_slam - horizon_highway_slam is a robust, low drift, and real time highway SLAM package suitable for Livox Horizon lidar
- mola - is a Modular System for Localization and Mapping
- DH3D - Deep Hierarchical 3D Descriptors for Robust Large-Scale 6DOF Relocalization
- iris_lama - LaMa is a C++11 software library for robotic localization and mapping
- LIO-SAM - Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping
- orb_slam_2_ros - A ROS implementation of ORB_SLAM2
- orbslam-map-saving-extension - In this extensions the map of ORB-features be saved to the disk as a reference for future runs along the same track
- dso - Direct Sparse Odometry
- viso2 - A ROS wrapper for libviso2, a library for visual odometry
- xivo - X Inertial-aided Visual Odometry
- rovio - Robust Visual Inertial Odometry Framework
- MIT Kimera-Semantics - C++ library for real-time metric-semantic visual-inertial Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM)
- LSD-SLAM - LSD-SLAM: Large-Scale Direct Monocular SLAM is a real-time monocular SLAM
- CubeSLAM and ORB SLAM - Monocular 3D Object Detection and SLAM Package of CubeSLAM and ORB SLAM
- VINS-Fusion - A Robust and Versatile Multi-Sensor Visual-Inertial State Estimator
- openvslam - OpenVSLAM: A Versatile Visual SLAM Framework
- basalt - Visual-Inertial Mapping with Non-Linear Factor Recovery
- Kimera - is a C++ library for real-time metric-semantic simultaneous localization and mapping, which uses camera images and inertial data to build a semantically annotated 3D mesh of the environment
- tagslam - is a ROS-based package for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using AprilTag fiducial markers
- LARVIO - A lightweight, accurate and robust monocular visual inertial odometry based on Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter.
- fiducials - Simultaneous localization and mapping using fiducial markers.
- open_vins - An open source platform for visual-inertial navigation research.
- ORB_SLAM3 - ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual-Inertial and Multi-Map SLAM
- Atlas - End-to-End 3D Scene Reconstruction from Posed Images
- vilib - This library focuses on the front-end of VIO pipelines with CUDA
- hloc - a modular toolbox for state-of-the-art 6-DoF visual localization. It implements Hierarchical Localization, leveraging image retrieval and feature matching, and is fast, accurate, and scalable.
- ESVO - is a novel pipeline for real-time visual odometry using a stereo event-based camera
- OpenDRIVE - OpenDRIVE® is an open file format for the logical description of road networks
- MapsModelsImporter - A Blender add-on to import models from google maps
- Lanelet2 - Map handling framework for automated driving
- barefoot - Online and Offline map matching that can be used stand-alone and in the cloud
- iD - The easy-to-use OpenStreetMap editor in JavaScript
- RapiD - an enhanced version of iD for mapping with AI created by Facebook
- segmap - A map representation based on 3D segments
- Mapbox - is a JavaScript library for interactive, customizable vector maps on the web
- osrm-backend - Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
- robosat - Semantic segmentation on aerial and satellite imagery. Extracts features such as: buildings, parking lots, roads, water, clouds
- assuremapingtools - Desktop based tool for viewing, editing and saving road network maps for autonomous vehicle platforms such as Autoware.
- geopandas - is a project to add support for geographic data to pandas objects.
- MapToolbox - Plugins to make Autoware vector maps in Unity
- imagery-index - An index of aerial and satellite imagery useful for mapping
- mapillary_tools - is a library for processing and uploading images to Mapillary.
- mapnik - combines pixel-perfect image output with lightning-fast cartographic algorithms, and exposes interfaces in C++, Python, and Node.
- gdal - GDAL is an open source X/MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
- grass - GRASS GIS - free and open source Geographic Information System (GIS)
- 3d-tiles - Specification for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets
- osmnx - Python for street networks. Retrieve, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other spatial data from OpenStreetMap
- Awesome-Interaction-aware-Trajectory-Prediction - A selection of state-of-the-art research materials on trajectory prediction
- sgan - Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generative Adversarial Networks
- Groot - Graphical Editor to create BehaviorTrees. Compliant with BehaviorTree.CPP
- BehaviorTree.CPP - Behavior Trees Library in C++
- RAFCON - Uses hierarchical state machines, featuring concurrent state execution, to represent robot programs
- ROSPlan - Generic framework for task planning in a ROS system
- ad-rss-lib - Library implementing the Responsibility Sensitive Safety model (RSS) for Autonomous Vehicles
- FlexBE - Graphical editor for hierarchical state machines, based on ROS's smach.
- sts_bt_library - This library provides the functionality to set up your own behavior tree logic by using the defined tree structures like Fallback, Sequence or Parallel Nodes
- SMACC - An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for real-time ROS (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++
- py_trees_ros - Behaviours, trees and utilities that extend py_trees for use with ROS.
- pacmod - is designed to allow the user to control a vehicle with the PACMod drive-by-wire system.
- mpcc - Model Predictive Contouring Controller for Autonomous Racing
- rrt - C++ RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree) implementation
- HypridAStarTrailer - A path planning algorithm based on Hybrid A* for trailer truck.
- path_planner - Hybrid A* Path Planner for the KTH Research Concept Vehicle
- open_street_map - ROS packages for working with Open Street Map geographic information.
- Open Source Car Control - is an assemblage of software and hardware designs that enable computer control of modern cars in order to facilitate the development of autonomous vehicle technology
- fastrack - A ROS implementation of Fast and Safe Tracking (FaSTrack).
- commonroad - Composable benchmarks for motion planning on roads
- traffic-editor - A graphical editor for robot traffic flows.
- steering_functions - contains a C++ library that implements steering functions for car-like robots with limited turning radius
- moveit - Easy-to-use robotics manipulation platform for developing applications, evaluating designs, and building integrated products
- flexible-collision-library - is a library for performing three types of proximity queries on a pair of geometric models composed of triangles.
- aikido - Artificial Intelligence for Kinematics, Dynamics, and Optimization
- casADi - is a symbolic framework for numeric optimization implementing automatic differentiation in forward and reverse modes on sparse matrix-valued computational graphs
- ACADO Toolkit - is a software environment and algorithm collection for automatic control and dynamic optimization
- control-toolbox - an efficient C++ library for control, estimation, optimization and motion planning in robotics
- CrowdNav - Crowd-aware Robot Navigation with Attention-based Deep Reinforcement Learning
- ompl - consists of many state-of-the-art sampling-based motion planning algorithms.
- openrave - Open Robotics Automation Virtual Environment: An environment for testing, developing, and deploying robotics motion planning algorithms.
- teb_local_planner - An optimal trajectory planner considering distinctive topologies for mobile robots based on Timed-Elastic-Bands
- pinocchio - A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
- control-toolbox - an efficient C++ library for control, estimation, optimization and motion planning in robotics.
- rmf_core - The rmf_core packages provide the centralized functions of the Robotics Middleware Framework (RMF)
- OpEn - is a solver for Fast & Accurate Embedded Optimization for next-generation Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- autogenu-jupyter - This project provides the continuation/GMRES method (C/GMRES method) based solvers for nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) and an automatic code generator for NMPC
- global_racetrajectory_optimization - This repository contains multiple approaches for generating global racetrajectories.
- toppra - is a library for computing the time-optimal path parametrization for robots subject to kinematic and dynamic constraints
- tinyspline - TinySpline is a small, yet powerful library for interpolating, transforming, and querying arbitrary NURBS, B-Splines, and Bézier curves
- dual quaternions ros - ROS python package for dual quaternion SLERP.
- mb planner - Aerial vehicle planner for tight spaces. Used in DARPA SubT Challenge.
- ilqr - Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator with auto-differentiatiable dynamics models
- EGO-Planner is a lightweight gradient-based local planner without ESDF construction, which significantly reduces computation time compared to some state-of-the-art methods
- pykep - is a scientific library providing basic tools for research in interplanetary trajectory design.
- am_traj - Alternating Minimization Based Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Aggressive Flight
- GraphBasedLocalTrajectoryPlanner - was used on a real race vehicle during the Roborace Season Alpha and achieved speeds above 200km/h
- imgui - is designed to enable fast iterations and to empower programmers to create content creation tools and visualization / debug tools
- qtpy - Provides an uniform layer to support PyQt5, PySide2, PyQt4 and PySide with a single codebase
- mir - Mir is set of libraries for building Wayland based shells
- rqt - rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
- cage - This is Cage, a Wayland kiosk. A kiosk runs a single, maximized application.
- chilipie - Easy-to-use Raspberry Pi image for booting directly into full-screen Chrome
- pencil - A tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.
- dynamic_reconfigure - The focus of dynamic_reconfigure is on providing a standard way to expose a subset of a node's parameters to external reconfiguration
- ddynamic_reconfigure - allows modifying parameters of a ROS node using the dynamic_reconfigure framework without having to write cfg files
- elements - is a lightweight, fine-grained, resolution independent, modular GUI library
- NanoGUI - is a minimalistic cross-platform widget library for OpenGL 3.x or higher
- pyo - is a Python module written in C containing classes for a wide variety of audio signal processing types
- rhasspy - Rhasspy (pronounced RAH-SPEE) is an offline, multilingual voice assistant toolkit inspired by Jasper that works well with Home Assistant, Hass.io, and Node-RED
- mycroft-core - Mycroft is a hackable open source voice assistant
- DDSP - is a library of differentiable versions of common DSP functions (such as synthesizers, waveshapers, and filters)
- NoiseTorch - creates a virtual microphone that suppresses noise, in any application
- DeepSpeech - is an open source Speech-To-Text engine, using a model trained by machine learning techniques based on Baidu's Deep Speech research paper.
- waveglow - A Flow-based Generative Network for Speech Synthesis
- the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- dotfiles of cornerman - Powerful zsh and vim dotfiles
- dotbot - A tool that bootstraps your dotfiles
- prompt-hjem - A beautiful zsh prompt
- ag - A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
- fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder
- pkgtop - Interactive package manager and resource monitor designed for the GNU/Linux.
- asciimatics - A cross platform package to do curses-like operations, plus higher level APIs and widgets to create text UIs and ASCII art animations
- gocui - Minimalist Go package aimed at creating Console User Interfaces.
- TerminalImageViewer- Small C++ program to display images in a (modern) terminal using RGB ANSI codes and unicode block graphics characters
- rosshow - Visualize ROS topics inside a terminal with Unicode/ASCII art
- python-prompt-toolkit - Library for building powerful interactive command line applications in Python
- bash-script-template - A best practices Bash script template with several useful functions
- guake - Drop-down terminal for GNOME
- wemux - Multi-User Tmux Made Easy
- tmuxp - tmux session manager built on libtmux
- mapscii - World map renderer for your console
- terminator - The goal of this project is to produce a useful tool for arranging terminals
- bat - A cat(1) clone with wings.
- fx - Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer
- tmate - Instant terminal sharing
- xdot - Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language
- guacamole - clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH
- ros3djs - 3D Visualization Library for use with the ROS JavaScript Libraries
- webviz - web-based visualization libraries like rviz
- plotly.py - An open-source, interactive graphing library for Python
- PlotJuggler - The timeseries visualization tool that you deserve
- bokeh - Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python
- voila - From Jupyter notebooks to standalone web applications and dashboards
- Pangolin - Pangolin is a lightweight portable rapid development library for managing OpenGL display / interaction and abstracting video input.
- rqt_bag - provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
- kepler.gl - Kepler.gl is a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets.
- qgis_ros - Access bagged and live topic data in a highly featured GIS environment
- openmct - A web based mission control framework
- web_video_server - HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
- rvizweb - RVizWeb provides a convenient way of building and launching a web application with features similar to RViz
- marvros - MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
- octave - provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab.
- streetscape.gl - Streetscape.gl is a toolkit for visualizing autonomous and robotics data in the XVIZ protocol.
- urdf-loaders - URDF Loaders for Unity and THREE.js with example ATHLETE URDF File
- obs-studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
- labelbox - is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship artificial intelligence applications
- PixelAnnotationTool - Annotate quickly images
- LabelImg - LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool and label object bounding boxes in images
- cvat - Powerful and efficient Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT)
- point_labeler - Tool for labeling of a single point clouds or a stream of point clouds
- label-studio - Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
- napari - a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for python
- semantic-segmentation-editor - A web based labeling tool for creating AI training data sets (2D and 3D)
- 3d-bat - 3D Bounding Box Annotation Tool for Point cloud and Image Labeling
- labelme - Image Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation)
- universal-data-tool - Collaborate & label any type of data, images, text, or documents, in an easy web interface or desktop app.
- BMW-Labeltool-Lite - provides you with a easy to use labeling tool for State-of-the-art Deep Learning training purposes.
- CloudCompare - CloudCompare is a 3D point cloud (and triangular mesh) processing software.
- Potree - WebGL point cloud viewer for large datasets
- point_cloud_viewer - makes viewing massive point clouds easy and convenient
- LidarView - LidarView performs real-time visualization and easy processing of live captured 3D LiDAR data from Lidar sensors
- VeloView - VeloView performs real-time visualization of live captured 3D LiDAR data from Velodyne's HDL sensors.
- entwine - is a data organization library for massive point clouds, designed to conquer datasets of trillions of points as well as desktop-scale point clouds.
- polyscope - A C++ & Python viewer for 3D data like meshes and point clouds
- Pcx - Point cloud importer & renderer for Unity
- ImmersivePoints - is a web-application for virtual reality devices to explore 3D data in the most natural way possible.
- mapviz - Modular ROS visualization tool for 2D data.
- rviz_cinematographer - Easy to use tools to create and edit trajectories for the rviz camera.
- rviz_satellite - Display internet satellite imagery in RViz
- rviz_visual_tools - C++ API wrapper for displaying shapes and meshes in Rviz
- xpp - visualization of motion-plans for legged robots
- rviz stereo - 3D stereo rendering displays a different view to each eye so that the scene appears to have depth
- jsk_visualization - jsk visualization ros packages for rviz and rqt
- moveit_visual_tools - Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt! data in Rviz via published markers
- rosmon - ROS node launcher & monitoring daemon
- multimaster_fkie - GUI-based management environment that is very useful to manage ROS-launch configurations and control running nodes
- collectd - collectd is a small daemon which collects system information periodically and provides mechanisms to store and monitor the values in a variety of ways### Launch and Monitor
- lnav - is an enhanced log file viewer that takes advantage of any semantic information that can be gleaned from the files being viewed, such as timestamps and log levels
- htop - htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.
- atop - System and process monitor for Linux with logging and replay function
- psutil - Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- gputil - A Python module for getting the GPU status from NVIDA GPUs using nvidia-smi programmically in Python
- gpustat - A simple command-line utility for querying and monitoring GPU status
- nvtop - NVIDIA GPUs htop like monitoring tool
- spdlog - Very fast, header-only/compiled, C++ logging library
- ctop - Top-like interface for container metrics
- ntop - Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
- jupyterlab-nvdashboard - A JupyterLab extension for displaying dashboards of GPU usage
- ncdu - Ncdu is a disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
- borg - Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption
- bag-database - A server that catalogs bag files and provides a web-based UI for accessing them
- marv-robotics - MARV Robotics is a powerful and extensible data management platform
- kitti2bag - Convert KITTI dataset to ROS bag file the easy way!
- pykitti - Python tools for working with KITTI data
- rosbag_editor - Create a rosbag from a given one, using a simple GUI
- nextcloud - Nextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services.
- ros_type_introspection - Deserialize ROS messages that are unknown at compilation time
- syncthing - is a continuous file synchronization program
- rqt_bag_exporter - Qt GUI to export ROS bag topics to files (CSV and/or video)
- xviz - A protocol for real-time transfer and visualization of autonomy data
- kitti_to_rosbag - dataset tools for working with the KITTI dataset raw data and converting it to a ROS bag. Also allows a library for direct access to poses, velodyne scans, and images.
- ros_numpy - Tools for converting ROS messages to and from numpy arrays
- kitti_ros - A ROS-based player to replay KiTTI dataset
- duckdb - DuckDB is an embeddable SQL OLAP Database Management System
- sshfs - File system based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol
- moosefs - a scalable distributed storage system
- ceph - is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
- nfs - is a distributed file system protocol originally developed by Sun Microsystems
- ansible-role-nfs - Installs NFS utilities on RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu.
- mass - Self-service, remote installation of Windows, CentOS, ESXi and Ubuntu on real servers turns your data centre into a bare metal cloud.
- polyaxon - A platform for reproducing and managing the whole life cycle of machine learning and deep learning applications.
- localstack - A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- nvidia-docker - Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs
- kubeflow - Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes
- log-pilot - Collect logs for docker containers
- traefik - The Cloud Native Edge Router
- graylog2-server - Free and open source log management
- ansible - Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy
- pyinfra - It can be used for ad-hoc command execution, service deployment, configuration management and more
- docker-py - A Python library for the Docker Engine API
- noVNC - VNC client using HTML5
- Slurm - Slurm: A Highly Scalable Workload Manager
- jupyterhub - Multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks
- Portainer - Making Docker management easy
- enroot - A simple, yet powerful tool to turn traditional container/OS images into unprivileged sandboxes.
- docker-firefox - Run a Docker Container with Firefox and noVNC for remote access to headless servers
- luigi - is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
- triton-inference-server - NVIDIA Triton Inference Server provides a cloud inferencing solution optimized for NVIDIA GPUs
- cudf - provides a pandas-like API that will be familiar to data engineers & data scientists, so they can use it to easily accelerate their workflows without going into the details of CUDA programming.
- vxworks7-ros2-build - Build system to automate the build of VxWorks 7 and ROS2
- Yocto - Produce tools and processes that enable the creation of Linux distributions for embedded software that are independent of the underlying architecture of the embedded hardware
- Automotive Graded Linux - is a collaborative open source project that is bringing together automakers, suppliers and technology companies to build a Linux-based, open software platform for automotive applications that can serve as the de facto industry standard
- bitbake - is a generic task execution engine that allows shell and Python tasks to be run efficiently and in parallel while working within complex inter-task dependency constraints.
- Jailhouse - Jailhouse is a partitioning Hypervisor based on Linux
- Xen - is an open-source (GPL) type-1 or baremetal hypervisor
- QEMU - is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer
- qemu-xilinx - A fork of Quick EMUlator (QEMU) with improved support and modelling for the Xilinx platforms
- rosserial - A ROS client library for small, embedded devices, such as Arduino
- meta-ros - OpenEmbedded Layer for ROS Applications
- meta-balena - Run Docker containers on embedded devices
- micro-ros - The major changes compared to "regular" ROS 2 is that micro-ROS uses a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) instead of Linux, and DDS for eXtremely Resource Constrained Environments
- nvidia-container-runtime - NVIDIA Container Runtime is a GPU aware container runtime, compatible with the Open Containers Initiative (OCI) specification used by Docker, CRI-O, and other popular container technologie
- fusesoc - Package manager and build abstraction tool for FPGA/ASIC development
- jetson_easy - Automatically script to setup and configure your NVIDIA Jetson
- docker-jetpack-sdk - allows for usage of the NVIDIA JetPack SDK within a docker container for download, flashing, and install
- Pressed - provides a way to set answers to questions asked during the installation process of debian, without having to manually enter the answers while the installation is running
- jetson_stats - is a package to monitoring and control your NVIDIA Jetson [Xavier NX, Nano, AGX Xavier, TX1, TX2] Works with all NVIDIA Jetson ecosystem.
- ros_jetson_stats - The ROS jetson-stats wrapper. The status of your NVIDIA jetson in diagnostic messages
- OpenCR - Open-source Control Module for ROS
- acrn-hypervisor - defines a device hypervisor reference stack and an architecture for running multiple software subsystems, managed securely, on a consolidated system by means of a virtual machine manager
- jetson-containers - Machine Learning Containers for Jetson and JetPack 4.4
- ELISA - Project is to make it easier for companies to build and certify Linux-based safety-critical applications – systems whose failure could result in loss of human life, significant property damage or environmental damage
- PREEMPT_RT kernel patch - Aim of the PREEMPT_RT kernel patch is to minimize the amount of kernel code that is non-preemptible
- performance_test - Tool to test the performance of pub/sub based communication frameworks.
- realtime_support - Minimal real-time testing utility for measuring jitter and latency.
- ros1_bridge - ROS 2 package that provides bidirectional communication between ROS 1 and ROS 2
- Fast-RTPS - protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium
- protobuf - Google's data interchange format
- opensplice - Vortex OpenSplice Community Edition
- cyclonedds - Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation
- iceoryx - an IPC middleware for POSIX-based systems
- rosbridge_suite - provides a JSON interface to ROS, allowing any client to send JSON to publish or subscribe to ROS topics, call ROS services, and more
- ros2arduino - This library helps the Arduino board communicate with the ROS2 using XRCE-DDS.
- eCAL - The enhanced communication abstraction layer (eCAL) is a middleware that enables scalable, high performance interprocess communication on a single computer node or between different nodes in a computer network
- AUTOSAR-Adaptive - The implementation of AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform based on the R19-11
- ocpp - The Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) is a network protocol for communication between electric vehicle chargers and a central backoffice system.
- SOES - SOES is an EtherCAT slave stack written in c
- netplan - simply create a YAML description of the required network interfaces and what each should be configured to do
- airalab - AIRA is reference Robonomics network client for ROS-enabled cyber-physical systems.
- rdbox - RDBOX is a IT infrastructure for ROS robots
- ros_ethercat - This is a reimplementation of the main loop of pr2_ethercat without dependencies on PR2 software
- wavemon - is an ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices
- wireless - Making info about wireless networks available to ROS.
- ptpd - PTP daemon (PTPd) is an implementation the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) version 2 as defined by 'IEEE Std 1588-2008'. PTP provides precise time coordination of Ethernet LAN connected computers
- iperf - A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool
- tcpreplay - Pcap editing and replay tools
- nethogs - It groups bandwidth by process
- pyshark - Python wrapper for tshark, allowing python packet parsing using wireshark dissectors
- pingtop - Ping multiple servers and show results in a top-like terminal UI
- termshark - A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
- udpreplay - Replay UDP packets from a pcap file
- openwifi - Linux mac80211 compatible full-stack IEEE802.11/Wi-Fi design based on Software Defined Radio
- AndrOBD - Android OBD diagnostics with any ELM327 adapter
- ddt4all - DDT4All is a tool to create your own ECU parameters screens and connect to a CAN network with a cheap ELM327 interface
- cabana - CAN visualizer and DBC maker
- opendbc - The project to democratize access to the decoder ring of your car.
- libuavcan - is an open lightweight protocol designed for reliable communication in aerospace and robotic applications over robust vehicular networks such as CAN bus.
- python-can - The can package provides controller area network support for Python developers
- CANopenNode - is the internationally standardized (EN 50325-4) (CiA301) CAN-based higher-layer protocol for embedded control system.
- python-udsoncan - Python implementation of UDS (ISO-14229) standard
- uds-c - Unified Diagnostics Service (UDS) and OBD-II (On Board Diagnostics for Vehicles) C Library
- cantools - CAN BUS tools in Python 3
- CANdevStudio - CANdevStudio aims to be cost-effective replacement for CAN simulation software. It can work with variety of CAN hardware interfaces
- can-utils - Linux-CAN / SocketCAN user space applications
- ros_canopen - CANopen driver framework for ROS
- decanstructor - The definitive ROS CAN analysis tool
- kvaser_interface - This package was developed as a standardized way to access Kvaser CAN devices from ROS
- canmatrix - Converting CAN Database Formats .arxml .dbc .dbf .kcd
- autosar - A set of python modules for working with AUTOSAR XML files
- canopen - A Python implementation of the CANopen standard. The aim of the project is to support the most common parts of the CiA 301 standard in a Pythonic interface.
- SavvyCAN - A Qt5 based cross platform tool which can be used to load, save, and capture canbus frames
- Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3 - The system provides live monitoring of vehicle metrics like state of charge, temperatures, tyre pressures and diagnostic fault conditions.
- Tesla-API - provides functionality to monitor and control the Model S (and future Tesla vehicles) remotely
- flirpy - is a Python library to interact with FLIR thermal imaging cameras and images.
- nerian_stereo - ROS node for Nerian's SceneScan and SP1 stereo vision sensors
- pymmw - This is a toolbox composed of Python scripts to interact with TI's evaluation module (BoosterPack) for the IWR1443 mmWave sensing device
- ti_mmwave_rospkg - TI mmWave radar ROS driver (with sensor fusion and hybrid
- pacmod3 - This ROS node is designed to allow the user to control a vehicle with the PACMod drive-by-wire system, board revision 3.
- ros2_intel_realsense - These are packages for using Intel RealSense cameras (D400 series) with ROS2.
- sick_scan - This stack provides a ROS2 driver for the SICK TiM series of laser scanners.
- ouster_example - Sample code for connecting to and configuring the OS1, reading and visualizing data, and interfacing with ROS.
- livox_ros_driver - is a new ROS package, specially used to connect LiDAR products produced by Livox
- velodyne - is a collection of ROS packages supporting Velodyne high definition 3D LIDARs
- ublox - provides support for u-blox GPS receivers.
- crazyflie_ros - ROS Driver for Bitcraze Crazyflie
- pointgrey_camera_driver - ROS driver for Pt. Grey cameras, based on the official FlyCapture2 SDK
- novatel_gps_driver - ROS driver for NovAtel GPS / GNSS receivers
- pylon-ros-camera - The official pylon ROS driver for Basler GigE Vision and USB3 Vision cameras
- ethz_piksi_ros - contains (python) ROS drivers, tools, launch files, and wikis about how to use Piksi Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS device in ROS
- sick_safetyscanners - A ROS Driver which reads the raw data from the SICK Safety Scanners and publishes the data as a laser_scan msg.
- bosch_imu_driver - A driver for the sensor IMU Bosch BNO055. It was implemented only the UART communication interface (correct sensor mode should be selected)
- oxford_gps_eth - Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers using the NCOM packet structure
- ifm3d - Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
- cepton_sdk_redist - Provides ROS support for Cepton LiDAR
- jetson_csi_cam - A ROS package making it simple to use CSI cameras on the Nvidia Jetson TK1, TX1, or TX2 with ROS
- ros_astra_camera - A ROS driver for Orbbec 3D cameras
- spot_ros - ROS Driver for Spot
- owasp-threat-dragon-desktop - Threat Dragon is a free, open-source, cross-platform threat modeling application including system diagramming and a rule engine to auto-generate threats/mitigations
- launch_ros_sandbox - can define launch files running nodes in restrained environments, such as Docker containers or separate user accounts with limited privileges
- wolfssl - is a small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud
- CANalyzat0r - Security analysis toolkit for proprietary car protocols
- RSF - Robot Security Framework (RSF) is a standardized methodology to perform security assessments in robotics
- How-to-Secure-A-Linux-Server - An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.
- lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and UNIX-based systems. Assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening
- OpenVPN - is an open source VPN daemon
- openfortivpn - openfortivpn is a client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services and compatible with Fortinet VPNs
- WireGuard - WireGuard is a novel VPN that runs inside the Linux Kernel and utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography
- ssh-auditor - Scans for weak ssh passwords on your network
- vulscan - Advanced vulnerability scanning with Nmap NSE
- nmap-vulners - NSE script based on Vulners.com API
- brutespray - Automatically attempts default creds on found services.
- fail2ban - Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
- DependencyCheck - is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies
- firejail - Firejail is a SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces, seccomp-bpf and Linux capabilities
- RVD - Robot Vulnerability Database. Community-contributed archive of robot vulnerabilities and weaknesses
- ros2_dds_security - adding security enhancements by defining a Service Plugin Interface (SPI) architecture, a set of builtin implementations of the SPIs, and the security model enforced by the SPIs
- Security-Enhanced Linux - is a Linux kernel security module that provides a mechanism for supporting access control security policies, including mandatory access controls (MAC)
- OpenTitan - will make the silicon Root of Trust design and implementation more transparent, trustworthy, and secure for enterprises, platform providers, and chip manufacturers. OpenTitan is administered by lowRISC CIC as a collaborative project to produce high quality, open IP for instantiation as a full-featured product
- bandit - is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code.
- hardening - A quick way to make a Ubuntu server a bit more secure.
- passbolt_docker - Passbolt is a free and open source password manager that allows team members to store and share credentials securely
- gopass - is a password manager for the command line written in Go
- pass - the standard unix password manager
- vault - Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and more
- legion - is an open source, easy-to-use, super-extensible and semi-automated network penetration testing framework that aids in discovery, reconnaissance and exploitation of information systems
- openscap - The oscap program is a command line tool that allows users to load, scan, validate, edit, and export SCAP documents.
- pyre-check - ships with Pysa, a security focused static analysis tool we've built on top of Pyre that reasons about data flows in Python applications
- waymo_ros - This is a ROS package to connect Waymo open dataset to ROS
- waymo-open-dataset - The Waymo Open Dataset is comprised of high-resolution sensor data collected by Waymo self-driving cars in a wide variety of conditions.
- Ford Autonomous Vehicle Dataset - Ford presents a challenging multi-agent seasonal dataset collected by a fleet of Ford autonomous vehicles at different days and times.
- awesome-robotics-datasets - A collection of useful datasets for robotics and computer vision
- nuscenes-devkit - The devkit of the nuScenes dataset
- dataset-api - This is a repo of toolkit for ApolloScape Dataset, CVPR 2019 Workshop on Autonomous Driving Challenge and ECCV 2018 challenge.
- utbm_robocar_dataset - EU Long-term Dataset with Multiple Sensors for Autonomous Driving
- DBNet - DBNet: A Large-Scale Dataset for Driving Behavior Learning
- argoverse-api - Official GitHub repository for Argoverse dataset
- DDAD - is a new autonomous driving benchmark from TRI (Toyota Research Institute) for long range (up to 250m) and dense depth estimation in challenging and diverse urban conditions
- pandaset-devkit - Public large-scale dataset for autonomous driving provided by Hesai & Scale
- a2d2_to_ros - Utilities for converting A2D2 data sets to ROS bags.
- argoverse-api - Official GitHub repository for Argoverse dataset
- awesome-satellite-imagery-datasets - List of satellite image training datasets with annotations for computer vision and deep learning
- sentinelsat - Search and download Copernicus Sentinel satellite images
- adas-dataset-form - Thermal Dataset for Algorithm Training
- h3d - The H3D is a large scale full-surround 3D multi-object detection and tracking dataset from Honda
- Mapillary Vistas Dataset - A diverse street-level imagery dataset with pixel‑accurate and instance‑specific human annotations for understanding street scenes around the world.
- TensorFlow Datasets - TensorFlow Datasets provides many public datasets as tf.data.Datasets
- racetrack-database - contains center lines (x- and y-coordinates), track widths and race lines for over 20 race tracks (mainly F1 and DTM) all over the world
- BlenderProc - A procedural Blender pipeline for photorealistic training image generation
- Atlatec Sample Map Data - 3D map for autonomous driving and simulation created from nothing but two cameras and GPS in downtown San Francisco.
- Lyft Level 5 Dataset - Level 5 is developing a self-driving system for the Lyft network. We’re collecting and processing data from our autonomous fleet and sharing it with you.
- holicity - A City-Scale Data Platform for Learning Holistic 3D Structures
- UTD19 - Largest multi-city traffic dataset publically available
- ASTYX HIRES2019 DATASET - Automotive Radar Dataset for Deep Learning Based 3D Object Detection