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MIKEINTOSH AIO Data Visualization Dashboard

Docker Build and Deploy


Provide a brief overview of the project, including its purpose, features, and any relevant background information. You can also include a high-level architecture diagram if applicable.


List all the prerequisites and dependencies required to run the project. This might include software, libraries, or services that need to be installed or configured beforehand.

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • GitHub account
  • Docker Hub account
  • Access to a server for deployment


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory.

    cd your-repository
  3. Build the Docker image.

    docker-compose build


Explain any configuration options or environment variables that need to be set before running the project. This might include API keys, database connection strings, etc.

  1. Create a .env file in the project root directory.

    # Example .env file


Describe how to use the project once it's set up. Provide examples and instructions for common tasks or workflows.

  1. Start the project using Docker Compose.

    docker-compose up
  2. Access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:8080.


Explain how to deploy the project to a server or cloud platform. Include steps for setting up deployment pipelines, configuring servers, etc.

  1. Push changes to the main branch of your GitHub repository.

    git push origin main
  2. GitHub Actions will automatically trigger the docker-build-and-deploy.yml workflow.

  3. Monitor the workflow progress on the GitHub Actions page.

  4. Once the workflow completes successfully, the Docker image will be deployed to your server and the containers will be restarted.


Provide guidelines for contributing to the project, including how to report issues, submit feature requests, and contribute code.

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.

  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  3. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

    git checkout -b feature-or-bug-fix
  4. Make your changes and commit them.

    git commit -m "Your commit message"
  5. Push your changes to your forked repository.

    git push origin feature-or-bug-fix
  6. Open a pull request on GitHub and describe your changes in detail.


Include information about the project's license. You can use a standard license file or include the license text directly in the README.

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


List any acknowledgements or credits for third-party libraries, resources, or individuals who contributed to the project.


Provide contact information for project maintainers or contributors, such as email addresses or links to social media profiles.

Repository Overview

This repository hosts the source code and configuration files for the PHP Dashboard Application. It is designed to be easily deployable using Docker, ensuring a consistent environment for running the application. The application leverages various services such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Metabase for data visualization.

Key Components

  1. PHP Dashboard Application:

    • Built using PHP 7.4 and Apache.
    • The main application files are located in the /app, /backend, /src, and other relevant directories.
  2. Docker Configuration:

    • Dockerfile: Defines the base image, installs dependencies, and copies the application code into the container.
    • docker-compose.yml: Orchestrates multiple services including the PHP application, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Metabase, and administration tools like phpMyAdmin and pgAdmin.
  3. Submodules:

    • Includes the pm4core-docker submodule from the external repository
  4. Configuration Files:

    • Various configuration files for the application and services, such as _config.yml, postgre.php, and php.ini (located in the config folder).

Directory Structure

  • /analytics: Contains analytics-related data and scripts.
  • /app: Core PHP application files.
  • /assets: Static assets including images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files.
  • /backend: Backend PHP scripts for handling server-side logic.
  • /dist: Compiled distribution files for the frontend.
  • /help: Documentation and help files for users.
  • /map_files: Files related to mapping functionalities.
  • /src: Source code for the application.
  • /styles: CSS stylesheets.
  • /test: Test scripts and files.
  • /config: Configuration files for PHP and other services.

Docker Services

  • PHP Application:

    • Uses the image mikeintosh/mikeintosh-phpdashboard-app:latest.
    • Exposes port 8080 for web access.
  • MySQL:

    • Database service for the application.
    • Exposes the default MySQL port 3306.
  • PostgreSQL:

    • Used by Metabase for data storage and management.
    • Exposes the default PostgreSQL port 5432.
  • MongoDB:

    • NoSQL database service.
    • Exposes the default MongoDB port 27017.
  • Metabase:

    • Visualization tool for creating dashboards and reports.
    • Exposes port 4000 for web access.
  • phpMyAdmin:

    • Web-based MySQL administration tool.
    • Exposes port 3307.
  • pgAdmin:

    • Web-based PostgreSQL administration tool.
    • Exposes port 5434.
  • Mongo Express:

    • Web-based MongoDB administration tool.
    • Exposes port 8081.

Workflow Automation

  • GitHub Actions:
    • Automates the build and deployment process using the docker-build-and-deploy.yml workflow file.
    • On push to the main branch, the workflow builds and pushes the Docker image to Docker Hub, then deploys the updated container.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Build and run the Docker containers:

    docker-compose up -d
  3. Access the application at http://localhost:8080.

  4. Access phpMyAdmin at http://localhost:3307.

  5. Access pgAdmin at http://localhost:5434.

  6. Access Mongo Express at http://localhost:8081.


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow the guidelines in the main README section.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.